How Good is Your Warriors OC? | Comments

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  • Name: stormtail
    Sex: she-cat
    Clan: thunderclan
    Age: 62 moons
    rank: warrior (currently a queen)

    personality: fierce, headstrong, loyal, strong, gets angry easily, very sweet to friends.

    likes: rabbit and fish, her mate, and hunting alone

    dislikes: the other clans, her deputy, hot days, lies.

    appearance: dark gray she-cat with black paws, tail and muzzle. she was named storm by her mother for she had dark blue eyes with bright blue inside, later being named tail for her very long, dark tail. she has scars over her nose and ears. has a long gash down side of body. although she has very poor eye sight, she is still an amazing hunter (better than most) and fighter.

    96% yay! <3

  • Name: Moonfall
    Age: 49 moons
    Clan: Fogclan

    Personality: strong, indipendent, sly swift and smart.

    Appearence: A big swift she-cat, with dark blue fur and white speckles. Light blue eyes and two scars across her face making an "X". She likes to wear lillies in her fur.

    Backstory: she was very close to her sister " sunbird" when they were apprentices, and still were while being warriors. Until one day the deputy suddenly annaunced that he was moving to the elders den. Moonfall, who had her eye on the deputy role for a long time was very exited, and waited in patience as the leader called a new deputy. But to her suprise, the deputy turned out to be sunbird. From that day on, she hated her sister more than anything. And it became worse when sunbird became mates with the cat Moonfall loved. Even tho she still formed a closeness to her niece, Hollypaw. They were very close and Hollypaw never told on her aunt. At the time, Moonfall was also plotting revenge for her sister, by making allies with loners and other rouge groups. When the time came, Moonfall attacked Fogclans camp, and looked for her sister in the battle. She spotted Sunstar (leader now) and got closer and closer, and right at the moment she was about to pounce, Hollysky (her niece) pushed her away and battled Moonfall to her death. But even after, she felt guilty. And on her way to the dark forest, already in spirit form, while nobody saw her, she sat by Hollysky. And later on, left.

    Hope ya like it :)

  • Lynxheart

    Clanborn, but when he was a kit his mother died due to a monster when they were out in the woods. He couldn't find his way back and for several moons hunted and fought for his life. One day his littermate found him and was overjoyed. Lynxkit mumbled in his sleep, only words a medicine cat could hear. Shining cats came down to him and said " your time is not over yet, little one. Wake up."

    The knowledge of this seemed to posses lynxpaw and was in no time made a warrior, then deputy. When lynxheart spoke of his past, you could just about make out a blinding flash of white in his eyes, then if you looked into the depths of his eyes you could see stars glimmering faintly. The only cat who noticed this was a former loner. Butterpelt. A beautiful sleepfurred tabby cat with warm golden eyes. They tell in love and had 6 kits. But little did Lynxheart know there were much more challenging things ahead.

  • Name: BurningForest
    Gender: Male/Tom
    Clan: I haven’t decided
    Age: 68 Moons
    Rank: Senior warrior/Elder

    Appearance: A Mostly black large Tom with splotches of shades of orange. When the sun is shining, underneath the leaves the black looks like a dark green. (How he got his name)

    Young life/backstory: When Burning kit was born his mother died of blood loss. The queen that took him in and his sister was going to call him Saturnkiit but after an other queen said his pelt look like a forest on fire she changed it to burning.

    Warrior life/Adult hood: He is a skilled fighter but not the best at hunting or speed/running. His sister (Spacewing) became deputy. when Spacewing became Spacestar he should of retired to the elders den but his ego was to big and he didn’t want to stop hunting/fighting so he refused to go, so that led him to his death when he was hunting (died of exhaustion).

    Love life/ Mate: He does have a mate and 2 kits but I haven’t decide pelt colour or names yet.

  • her name is Mellow'mallow, she is currently 24 moons. She was a medicine apprentice but when the leader (her crush) was murdered she took revenge on the cat who murdered the leader and her mentor that defied the idea of revenge also later killing the leader of her clan after manipulating another clan to help her battle her previous clan. She also was semi- haunted by her crush and two daek forest cats that shunned her after exile<3

  • Name: OpaqueTerracota
    Gender: Tom
    Pronouns: He/They
    Role: Elder

    Fur: Cream with Reddish Dilute Brown splotches that intensifies and darken at his lower body

    Personality: A raconteur elder with a burning passion for telling stories, either real or imaginative.

    Lore: He was born as Opaquekit at shadowclan, his mother was a energetic and stubborn queen who tended to bring life to the nursery. He made few friends and went in a little bit of mischief but was never something serious. As a warrior he was a gentle feline yet lurked in the shadows as a true master, nimble and mysterious. Even in his senior moons he kept his strong mind and agile feet. Now hes retired and adore his calm seasons after the storms he went trough.

  • Name: WitheringRose (She changed it to that later on, her real name was CloudWhisker)

    Gender: She-Cat

    Clan: Riverclan (Now, Dark forest but whatever)

    Age: Idk
    Rank: Deputy

    Personality: Somewhat kind yet stern, nervous, anxious, aware, and determined (How do these go together? I dont know! They just sorta do!)

    Likes: Hanging out with loved ones, battle training, fresh mouse, swimming for long time periods, other

    Dislikes: The dark forest, rude cats, disloyalty, dogs, and death

    Appearance: A black cat with Ruby red eyes, yet ruined by the tears in her body showing bone, her face is mostly black but white takes half of it, somewhat saying she has two sides, or is two faced. Also carries a skull necklace which can become bigger and be worn as a protective face cover, or something else

    Time for trauma [Warning] Kinda cringe :)

    CloudWhisker was visited by a dark forest cat who gave her the necklace, and taught her how to use it, she wasnt the greatest hunter, but the necklace helped, showing her where prey was, giving her an advantage in hunting, but she didnt know that really every time she caught prey, one cat dropped dead. If she caught fish, Someone in riverclan died, she caught a rabbit, someone in wind clan died, and so on, yet she didnt know, for a little while, she soon figured it out, and you know what that means! (Here comes the big sad ) she cried for a long time but she had to keep hunting so she just never hunted fish again, soon she became deputy, and then war broke out, every clan accusing another that they were murdering their clan mates, and the she died in the war and was sent to the dark forest, even though she should have gone to starclan, because they forgave her (for some weird reason) but the dark forest cats dragged her back, into the dark depths of the forest. Only if she knew she could have taken off the skull tsk tsk. Oh well! Bye :)

    Almost forgot!

    Score: 81% Sure I guess, Id take anything rlly :)

  • Name: Mantis`Maniac, around 20-22 moons
    Clan: Windclan
    Pan, poly

    Personality: Quiet, timid, friendly, usually hungry and nervous

    Appearance: A medium she-cat with pale brown fur and a fade to darker browns at the end of her body. She has blueish green eyes. Mantis grew up in windclan with her brother, who disappeared when they were apprentices, and her mother and father. She fell in love with Crow's`Call and became mates with him but when she tried to have kits, it was a miscarriage, so she lost them. She ended up just being mates with Crow's`Call and caught sights of a she in her clan and it was love and first sight. (I have to end it there cause I got nothing else.)

    Rating: 97%

  • Name: Smoke'Hollow, roughly 24 and a half moons

    Clan: River Clan, formerly rouge

    Personality: Snarky, Clever, Stubborn, Sarcastic, Hardworking and proud

    Appearance: A small she-cat with ashy dark brown fur, a black under belly, black socks that go to just below her shoulders,a black tail and a black mask around her face, she has some odd little patches of white fur.She has green eyes.Smoke was found as a rouge at the border of River Clan territory at around 6 moons by a hunting patrol and chose to go with them to join the clan,luckily she was accepted and began training immediately as Smoke'Paw alongside a tom named Rain'Paw and a few others and grew into a noble young warrior named Smoke'Hollow.She eventually fell in love with Rain'Spots (was Rain'Paw) but Rain'Spots wanted kits and she didn't want kits, causing tension in their relationship.Frustrated,they quarreled constantly on this matter until Smoke'Hollow decided she was done being pressured to do something she didn't want to do, and left him.(Smoke'Hollow is still a work in progress and idk what happens from here I'm considering a villain arc I hope you enjoyed lol)

    Rating: 87%

  • Name: Whitewish

    Age: 14 years (in my fanfiction the ages are measured in years because I dont like measuring age in moons)

    Gender: she-cat
    Rank: medicine cat
    Clan: GrainClan (fan made clan)

    Appearance: white with tortoiseshell on her face, legs, and tail. Rosettes on legs and tail. Silver speckles on back and face. Left eye amber, right eye turquoise. Long legs, slim body.

    Personality: shy, quiet unless shes familiar with who she is speaking to. Has her own sense of humor. Likes to think she is humble but can sometimes brag (but she tries) She tends to be more of a follower than a leader, but sometimes she tries to act like shes in charge.

    Physical traits: smaller than the average cat, but not exactly tiny. Long legged, slim body. Long, plumed tail. Doesnt hunt much considering she can only catch fish and rabbits on some occasions. An ok fighter.

    Mom: Wish (loner)
    Dad: Plume (loner)
    Brother: unknown (MeatClan)
    Best friend: Snowcloud (Tom, ForestClan)

    Crush: Jaypepper (ForestClan, handsome gray tom with golden spots and turquoise eyes. A cat named Velvetfall also has a crush on him.)

    Mentors: Amaranthclaw (GrainClan, her mentor before the events of my fanfic) and Pearlwhisper (ForestClan, the cat who completed her apprenticeship)

    Scoring: 82% well made

  • Name: Ravenwing
    Gender: Female
    Clan: ShadowClan
    Age: 47 Moons
    Rank: Deputy

    Appearance: A black she-cat with subtle wing patterns in her fur. She has blue eyes and short fur. She is surprisingly strong for her lanky build.

    Personalty: Harsh and jaded. She is one of the most aggressive cats in the clan, but she has a soft heart that she only shows to a select few.

    Story: Raven was born as a rogue in the center of a big city. She was kicked out of the family at a young age and spent many moons honing her skills to steal food from other cats. Eventually she found herself at the carrionplace and first met the ShadowClan leader at the time, Wildstar. Wildstar was the one to introduce her to the ways of clan life. Raven quickly fell for the sense of community and joined the clan. She even gained a mate and two kits, Silverpaw and Goldenpaw.

    But not all was what it seemed. After becoming deputy, she realized that Wildstar didnt belive in StarClan. The ancestors came to her instead, warning her about dangers that lay in wait for Wildstar. She took it as her duty to protect Wildstar for as long as it took. And- was she falling for her leader?

  • i got good oc

    Mantidstar was born in a group of rouges, his name was Moonlight then. He was born with a black pelt and white chest, and yellow eyes. One day when most of the rouges were asleep, a cat came back and rather than bringing food, they brought a lit cigarette. So, when he spat it out, the grass caught on fire and a few rouges died because they were sleeping. Moonlight got separated from the other rouges, but he was only panicked because of the fire caught on his ear, so he put it out on a small patch of grass, he was only a few moons old. A few moons into shifting more onto the loner side, he met with another loner who was named thorn and they became friends. A few moons later, a twoleg took Moonlight and left Thorn behind. Moonlight was a kittypet for days until the twoleg found an infection in his ear from the fire and Moonlight had to get his ear cut off or else there would be deadly circumstances. Moonlight was horrified after his ear being removed, so he ran other of the door and into the woods in a panic. After strolling around the forest for a while, he came across Risenstar, Risenclan leader, who greeted and took him into Risenclan due to a previous disaster that they called the death storm that wiped out most of risenclan. The medicine cat, Crowpelt, also got a prophecy specifically about Mantidpaw saying "Only a cat as stealth as a mantid can fix a broken clan's mistakes" Previously. Skip into time, as a warrior Mantidheart met his old friend Thorn only his new name was Nighttusk. Mantidheart was the deputy as the old deputy, Tornclaw, died of poisoned prey. After Mantidstar became leader, he made Nighttusk the deputy. Eventually, Nighttusk died of his own foolish curiosity, and he jumped into a grinder. Mantidstar was in disbelief for a while, but eventually he made the new deputy Pebbleshade.

    1 = Food poisoned
    2 = Earthclan attack
    3 = Gathering battle (sadly ;-;)
    4 = Ghostclan attack
    5 = Pushed into a pit of mice

  • Name: Hugo
    Gender: Tom

    Clan: lives with his mate sunspot , in shadowclan, ruled over a weak leader. sunspot plans to take the role.

    Age: about 20 moons
    Rank: never really joined the clan

    Personality: politely rude, a bit cowardly but would do almost anything for his loved ones.

    Likes: likes to collect random things, a mouse bone, Once he found a ring outside. when he lived with his homefolk he enjoyed the company of the family dog Hattie, who sometimes got on his nerves.

    DISLIKES: not being comfortable/well fed, other cats who give a sense there better in every way possible.

    Appearance: a chunky orange tabby tom, wide pale hazel eyes, a handsome-ish face. Sort of gives a sense of arrogance.

    Some backstory: he was living happily being fed every day before he was put on a diet which he was discussed by, he went outside trying to catch some prey, and wondered further and further away from his home. Hugo suddenly Hurd heard a painful yowling, ducking into bushes, a blood stained, twisted sort of cat was limping as fast as he could away from something. Another huge light gray Tom steps tored the bloody one and brutaly kills it and drags it away. Hugo panicked of what he saw bolted and found his way to windclan camp were he begs to stay for protection. They agreed and was going to be given the name finchpaw which he refused. Hugo made close friends with sunpaw and she knowing that shadowclan was weak, and wanting power they plan to go there. after he had stayed there for a while she developed a crush he was ( kind of ) unaware of, later becoming mates and so on.

  • Name: Hazelpaw
    Gender: Male/Tom
    Clan: ShadowClan
    Age: 11 Moons
    Rank: Warrior Apprentice

    Appearance: Hazelpaw is a light brown tom with darker stripes on his legs. He has white paws, muzzle, and tail-tip. His ears are tall and pointed, with dark brown tufts at the tips. He has a small dent on the top of his right cheek, and a small scar right above his left eye. His whiskers are particularly short, and he has big, pale, olive-green eyes. He is muscular, but has short legs, making him a couple of ears shorter than his denmates.

    Negative Persona Traits: Irritable, short-tempered, defensive.

    Positive Persona Traits: Honest, skilled hunter, observant.

    Final Score: %78

  • Name: Chipped-Gorge
    Gender: She-Cat
    Clan: Exiled TC/Rouge
    Age: 27 Moons
    Rank: Warrior

    Appearance: Slender, agile, and some-what tall, brown-orange stripes with a golden pelt and splotches of white. Right eye yellow while the left is a light orange. Has a shredded ear and one long scar that starts at her mouth then down towards the upper part of her throat.

    She has long sharp ears that look like theyre capable of hearing far away but truly, shes partly deaf. She has a abnormally long and fluffy tail while the rest of her pelt is very short.

    One of her teeth is slightly chipped from a clumsy fall onto a rock while being a kit which gave her the prefix, Chipped.

    Personality: Ruthless, untrustworthy, thief, ambitious, zealous, and curious

    Likes: Smooth rocks, tall grass, drawing in dirt, and squirrels

    Dislikes: Loud obnoxious sounds, leaf-bare, confined areas

    Score: 86%, Its a lot better than Id expect ;_; I was thinking more like 63-74%, something like that.

  • Name: Kittenfang ( originally had the prefix collie)

    Gender: Tom
    Clan: windclan

    Backstory: Mother was a little and father was the SC med cat. He had two siblings, Houndkit ( tom) and terrierkit ( she) their mom abandoned them and they were found by windclan. They had a normal life growing up. Colliepaw fell in love with a economic cat, but was friendzoned. When his assent came, he found a rabbit and while chasing it, a hunter found him and shot him. His lower jaw was blown off and teeth were chipped or fell out. He recovered with the help of a friend, who also had a disability. The two fell in love and became mates, colliepaw having the new name Kittenfang. They had a litter of three together, all of them having a disability. Kittenfang and his mate grew old together and happily died the same day together as elders

  • Name: Bubbleshine
    Gender: Female

    Clan: ForestClan (OC clan, not a real one) past: Kittypet

    Rank: Warrior
    Apprentice: Lightpaw

    Appearance: Pale-ginger Siamese she-cat with icy blue eyes.

    Personality: Bold and athletic. Not patient at all, and loves to take risks. Never thinks twice about anything she does, and is a bit of a trouble maker. She's kind at heart but has a tough shell.

    Backstory: Luna was an average kitty pet living her life. She loved life just the way it was. Her owners had decided to move away, and the place they were going had a no-pet policy. Luna was abandoned in the forest. Later, a cat called Birdpelt invited her into ForestClan. Luna refuses at first and thinks she can handle living life in the forest by herself. She finds out she can't. With a rough attitude, she confesses she'd like to join. From then her name was Bubblepaw for her blue eyes. (Btw, she was about 7 moons at the time). She learned quickly and loved hunting. After saving Goldenblaze from drowning, who was deputy at the time, she earns her warrior name "Bubbleshine". She lives an average warrior life, and since ForestClan was founded by kittypets (it's a long story :p) everyone learned to respect her. She later gets an apprentice, Lightpaw and passes on her knowledge to her. Overall, Bubbleshine has a tough time asking for help from others, and is pretty grumpy.

    My score: 86% I'm willing to take it :D

  • name: Willowstar
    gender: she-cat

    all names: willow, willowkit, willowpaw, and willowleaf.

    looks: fluffy silver pelt, fluffy tail, green eyes

    clan: WindClan
    rank: leader
    mate: Ravenwhisper
    paren ts: fern & rocky
    foster parents: duskpool & iceleaf
    littermate s: hazelwing, jay, and lion

    kits: 1# litter: thunderheart & lightningclaw

    2# litter: mudwhisker, cloverdust, dreampelt, silverstripe, and grassrunner

    facts: was a rouge as a kit, mother died, father got a new mate and neglected her and her littermates. her and her sister ran away, joined windclan, and lived their lives. mated with cat from riverclan, and that cat soon joined windclan.

  • Name: Lilybear
    Age: 13 moons

    Past names: Lilykit, Lilypaw(medicine cat apprentice), Sweetie (loner), Lilypaw (warrior apprentice)

    Gender : Female
    Rank: junior warrior

    Love interests(current): Stoatpaw (oc tom), Sunny (oc rogue tom)

    Love interests (future) : Wildtail (oc tom), Misteddream (oc she), Stoatnose (oc tom-formerly Stoatpaw), Sunny (oc rogue tom)

    Sexual Orientation: bisexual

    Allegiance: Rogue (formerly) Leaf Clan (current)

    Traits: funny, weird, bubbly once known, daydreamer, flirty sometimes, annoying, anti-social, silly

    Voice: very high, cute and kit-like (Doll like)

    Appearence: a golden-cream she-cat with a small frame but large paws. She has short, yet lean legs that make her soft,white paws look even bigger(which her suffix 'bear is based on). Her face is perfectly shaped facial features make all cats (tom and she) fall in love with her, yet her quite annoying voice soon puts them off her. She has small, rounded ears with cute cream tufts on the tips. Her chest-fluff is large and white which perfectly contrasts her golden underbelly. She has a bushy tail that is quite small but looks much larger because of her fluff :3

    Favourite food: bluebird

    Friends: Mouseface (oc she), Stoatpaw/Stoatnose (oc tom), Littletail (oc she), Sunny (oc rogue)

    Disliked by: Riverheart (oc she), Rainyflame (oc tom), Rugged (oc rogue tom)

    Theme song: I wouldn't mind- (He Is We)

  • [Second Comment, Took the test Twice]
    Name: RisingDawn
    Name: FadingDusk
    Gender(s): Both Female
    Role(s): Both apprentices

    Pelt (Dawn): Blackish, Burn't Red fade, with fluffy coat, Etc

    Pelt (Dusk): Black Faded blueish-grey, fluffy coat, & few scars

    Eyes (Dawn): A golden-green on the right, purely white on the left.

    Eyes (Dusk): A green/teal on the left, & purely white on the right.

    Personality (Dawn): Clumsy, Heart-Felt, caring yet sassy.

    Personality (Dusk): Cold, Intellgent, & collected.

    Details/Traits (Dawn): 'The bright blessed Day'

    Details/Traits (Dusk): 'The dark sacred night'

    Lore: Rising`Dawn & Fading`Dusk are both born at the same time, twins. These twins are the beheld StarClan's gift to RiverClan, for they both are in a prophecy ment for the doom of one sister, & the throne for the other. Dawn was popular, kind & hot-headed, & dusk kept her out of trouble. But in the end, the tables turned, as Dawn's corrupted thirst for power, & Dusk's love for her sister had both sisters in deep peril. That is, only when Dusk saved her sister, that dawn had realised the damege she caused, at the cost of her sister's life. Once they both are in StarClan, they're then brought to the embodyment of StarClan, to be reborn as brothers. (To be Containued)

  • Name: FalconStrike
    Gender: Tom / Male
    Role: Deputy

    Pelt: Blue faded into brownish red, White from Underside of throat to mid torso & front paws

    Eyes: Golden/amber

    Personality: Cunning, Humorous, Couragous, & Determined.

    Details/Traits: Extremely Sharp Claws, & Exellent Eye-Sight.

    Lore: FalconKit became an apprentice, just as any other, at 6 moons. He was extremely determined to become an expert warrior, & a wonderful fighter, to defend those he loves. As an apprentice, he met a caring & gold-hearted she, named 'Fox`Tail'. He then became Falcon`Strike, & devoted the rest of his life to his mate & 3 sons. In a horrific earthquake, FoxTail was killed by a Land-Slide, along with two of his sons. He then raised the 3rd son, to be the greatest warrior of all time, & once he became deputy, he made sure his son would take his place after his death. He then passed at the age of 38 Moons (25 in human), His son taking his place, as requested to the leader. In StarClan, Falcon`Strike finally reunited with his one & true love, FoxTail.

    More?: Falcon`Strike is one of my favorite, & many Ocs, I couldn't decide which to specificly use on this test- So i randomly decided, Falcon`Strike should be tested.

  • Name: Badger's'Glare (in my ver. WC cats *earn* their names. He earned his "Badger" as a kit for his quick temper and grey, black, and white fur, and "Glare" soon after his apprenticeship for his continued attitude. Sometimes cats never get a 2nd name, keep them separate, or on rare occasions get 3. Should be noted that the names can be added as prefix or suffix and the names may change based on the new name context. Such as his or Water-> Clear'Water or Wish-> Soft'Wish.)

    Age: 92 moons (He's a grouchy gran)
    Sex: Male (he/him)
    Clan: (OC clan) ValleyClan

    Rank: Medicine-cat (in my ver. His rank is Head Doctor, other med ranks would be Head nurse, doctor, nurse, ect.)

    Family: Clear'Water (mother), Scorpion (Father), Rosette (Sister), Esoteric'Wish (Former mate, CaveClan. He's a widower), Soft'Wish (Son, Caveclan), Foggy'Dreams (Daughter, Caveclan)

    Life: Bager's'Glare was born into the desert clans many moons ago. He showed great promise just as his mother before him and was originally trained to become a Soldier of the clan, his sister fell in their Father's pawsteps as a huntress. The two were very close throughout their lives and she was the only one to know of his mate when they became professionals in their crafts. Though Rosette's mate was one of the council, chosen to become the next leader, she kept it secret. However, when it became clear that Esoteric wouldn't survive the Kitting Badger began to panic. His kits were born in secret and though her tried his best due to the fact he wasn't a professional doctor and she hadn't received medical care during pregnancy she passed away. When he came to camp with the kittens and tried to pass them off as a loner's Rosette (with the best intentions) broke and explained it all to her mate, Spiraling'Red'Wood. Badger's'Glare's kittens were sent back to their mother's clan by the Valleyclan Council, and he was then as punishment told to do volunteer work. As a result of doing the volunteer work he realized his appreci

    • -appreciation for Medicine... or perhaps he wished he'd learned it sooner. He appealed to the council to switch professions and has since earned his place as one of the best Doctors in the whole desert. During a flood in the Caves he reunited with his kits and due to their high ranks has since kept in touch. He's still grouchy as ever, and he can't stand some of the other Doctors around the desert he's still going strong with no plans to retire. Sometimes, if he's feeling petty, he'll mess with Spiraling'Red'Wood in the retired home (a separate, smaller camp for the old cats that need more medical care than other retirees. They play bingo lol)

      Yeah, that's my boy!

  • Name: Suntail
    Rating: 84%
    Age: 18 moons
    Rank: medicine cat
    Clan: WindClan
    Prophecies: 1
    Parents died after first prophecy
    Positive traits: loyal, hardworking, sweet

    Negative traits: envious, prideful, overworked

    Likes: herbs, interacting with the StarClan, casting for kits

    Dislikes: showboating, swimming, sleeping (very active)

    Appearance: orange tabby, very floofy. Large tail, bandana. Brown eyes. White mittens.

    Backstory: when Suntail was 2 moons old, she had her first prophecy. Soon after, her parents died. She mourned for a long time. Her father was the previous leader of WindClan. The new leader was very selfish and unkind. She ran away from WindClan and became a rogue. By the time she was 6 moons, she didn't enjoy the rogue live. She returned to WindClan and had a 1 moon sentence to torture. She got a scar from that one moon. She is now a medicine cat training an apprentice, Mothtail.

  • Name: DuskLeap
    Gender: She-cat/molly
    Clan: WindClan
    Age:IDK they just old

    Personality: A committed, friendly, cheerful she who tries to be independent even though she is death.

    DuskLeap was never a real apprentice or warrior because of her hearing problem. Her brother and her had a great bond and he found a way to communicate with her. Although she never had a mentor she was determined to learn. After her brother finished training he helped her learn everything he did. As warriors she and her brother went out of camp and played together and tried hunting. Once he had passed she was overwhelmed and went to see her mother(SpiderFog) for comfort. Her brother helped her on her journey to starclan.

  • My oc is, Cyan'Breeze. She is a small elder she cats with a cyan pelt and eyes with black spots and toes with a black mask. She lives in river clan after being a leader of Thunder Clan and wiping out a clan by herself over time. She was a good cat and went to star clan after being killed by her sister from jealousy, rip.

    Age:192 moons (16 years wow!)
    Gender:She cat (Female)
    Mate:Elk'Face (Died in a fire)

    All names:Cyan'Kit, Cyan'Paw, Cyan'Breeze, Cyan'Star.

    Parents: Mom:Meadow'Cloud. Dad:Five'Foot.
    Time born:Oct/5/2078 at 5:34 am.


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