What Eye Color Describes Your Personality? | Comments

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    What Eye Color Describes Your Personality?

    Your Result: Black Eyes Describe Your Personality


    Black is one of the rare eye colours. People who usually have black eye colour have actually very dark brown eyes. What it tells about your personality is that you are a person who is lively and full of passion. You will not leave a work unless you finish it and give your 100 percent in whatever you do. You are competitive and try to show that you are able to do a task better than anybody else. People with black eyes are somewhat secretive too. They won€t easily trust you with their feelings. Thus, they are also reluctant to fall in love. But when they do, they prove to be very loyal. They usually have strong spiritual beliefs. These people are trustworthy and you can rely on them completely if you have given them some responsibility. They won€t let you down. These people with all their positive qualities are also very argumentative, even when they know they are wrong. People who have black eyes are also not very patient and can€t wait in long lines

  • What Eye Color Describes Your Personality?

    Your Result: Brown Eyes Describe Your Personality


    People have brown eyes because of large amount of melanin pigments in their eyes. Brown eye colour is also one of the most common eye colours all over the world. Brown colour is an earthy but rich colour. It represents simplicity, strength and creativity. If you are a person with brown colour then you are likely to be the life of a party. People with brown are close to nature and dont have much love for materialistic possessions. They are great lovers and know how to make their partners feel special and are very trustworthy. They have charming looks and are adorable and are quite grounded. They are extroverts who love making new friends. But still they are afraid to express their feelings in front of others. They have a good sense of humour and can cheer you up anytime. They are wise and you will tend to go to them for any piece of advice. They are kind of your go to guy. They are quite creative and have a very good fashion sense.

    Gree n Eyes Describe Your Personality 74%
    Grey Eyes Describe Your Personality 74%
    Blue Eyes Describe Your Personality 74%
    Hazel Eyes Describe Your Personality 36%
    Black Eyes Describe Your Personality

  • What Eye Color Describes Your Personality?

    Your Result: Blue Eyes Describe Your Personality


    Blue eyed people are charming, attractive and very friendly. People with blue eyes are spontaneous and energetic people who tend to live their life fully. They have a natural tendency to make others happy. They will try with all their might to help people and are very kind and sincere. They are also very spiritual and tend to want a long lasting love life. They want a happy family with their partners and expect full commitment from their partners. They also have a great observation power and nothing will just pass through their keen eyes. People with blue eyes tend to be very outgoing, bubbly and are not seen to be shy. They are very open with their feelings

    ._. but i have brown eyes :c oh well :P i've always wanted different color eyes though :/ Green is my favorite eye color

    • Mine are blue I got brown. I like green eyes too

  • What Eye Color Describes Your Personality?

    Your Result: Brown Eyes Describe Your Personality


    People have brown eyes because of large amount of melanin pigments in their eyes. Brown eye colour is also one of the most common eye colours all over the world. Brown colour is an earthy but rich colour. It represents simplicity, strength and creativity.

    If you are a person with brown colour then you are likely to be the life of a party. My response: I'm not the life of party.

    People with brown are close to nature and dont have much love for materialistic possessions. My response: If you mean nature, like, as in, trees and bugs, then I'm not very close with it. Or nature, like, you see the beauty, then sure, I guess. Don't really get the second part.

    They are great lovers and know how to make their partners feel special and are very trustworthy. My response: Never had a boyfriend, so I don't know.

    They have charming looks and are adorable and are quite grounded. My response: I don't know if anyone would call me adorable or pretty, but I do think I'm sorta pretty.

    They are extroverts who love making new friends. My response: Actually, I'm an introvert. And I kinda like making new friends, but I'm the shy type.

    But still they are afraid to express their feelings in front of others. My response: I don't really know if I'm like that.

    They have a good sense of humour and can cheer you up anytime. My response: The first part is pretty true, but it's a maybe for the second part.

    They are wise and you will tend to go to them for any piece of advice. They are kind of your go to guy. My repsonse: Neutral

    They are quite creative and have a very good fashion sense. My repsonse: I don't know if I'm creative, so maybe. And I usually don't care when it comes to my clothes.

    Might take this quiz again.

  • What Eye Color Describes Your Personality?

    Your Result: Black Eyes Describe Your Personality


    Black is one of the rare eye colours. People who usually have black eye colour have actually very dark brown eyes. What it tells about your personality is that you are a person who is lively and full of passion. You will not leave a work unless you finish it and give your 100 percent in whatever you do. You are competitive and try to show that you are able to do a task better than anybody else. People with black eyes are somewhat secretive too. They wont easily trust you with their feelings. Thus, they are also reluctant to fall in love. But when they do, they prove to be very loyal. They usually have strong spiritual beliefs. These people are trustworthy and you can rely on them completely if you have given them some responsibility. They wont let you down. These people with all their positive qualities are also very argumentative, even when they know they are wrong. People who have black eyes are also not very patient and cant wait in long lines.

    I really don't know if I'm like this. I think I'm a mix of both brown eyes and black eyes. Which is kinda funny cause I have dark brown eyes, not dark enough to look like pure black, though.

  • What Eye Color Describes Your Personality?

    Your Result: Hazel Eyes Describe Your Personality


    Hazel eyed people are those who will say €challenge accepted€ as soon as they see one. They will never back down from a fight and prove that they are the best. They are sweet, empathetic and kind people as long as the things turn out as they want. They are generally outgoing people and adventurous. They also have a very short temper and you would not want to come in their way while they are mad. They have all the qualities of brown and green eyed people. They are spontaneous and fun loving and are chance takers. They are beautiful and elegant. In terms of having relationships, they tend to keep them short, though they are very much capable to woo you easily owing to their romantic personalities. They love experimenting and are very energetic and courageous.

    74% Grey Eyes Describe Your Personality
    55% Green Eyes Describe Your Personality
    55% Blue Eyes Describe Your Personality
    36% Black Eyes Describe Your Personality
    36% Brown Eyes Describe Your Personality

  • Thank You everyone for taking my quiz and I am glad you liked it, however I apologize that the quiz couldn't guess your real eye color, I really tried to match the eye colors with personalities but in the end it didn't quite work out though I got brown eyes and I got brown eyes in the quiz.

    Thanks again everyone you guys rock \o/

  • I got blue and my eyes are mostly blue (I have central hetrochromia, there's a yellowish ring around my pupils so sometimes they can look green in certain light. But this quiz is pretty accurate in my opinion. I thought it would ask you what your eye color was midway or something.

  • I got blue and my eyes are mostly blue (I have central hetrochromia, there's a yellowish ring around my pupils so sometimes they can look green in certain light. But this quiz is pretty accurate in my opinion. I thought it would ask you what your eye color was midway or something.

  • I have two different eye colours, I'm not lying. My right eye is a light blue with gray specks, while my left eye is green with blue specks. Also they can be light pink with red specks when I'm furious. So my eyes are not only different colours, but they also change shades and colours. But I kinda got black.

  • i got blue eyes but mine are brown.

    although i have to say that the personality description was way off.

    but, you know that's bound to happen when a quiz isn't formulated to the persons exact answers.

    i'm actually really reserved. i keep to myself

    you might dare to call me a recluse, i just really don't like socialize. haha xD

  • Blue eyes. I have green eyes, but blue eyes perfectly describes me! Seriously, your great at making quizzes! I am definitly blue. Great quiz! I can tell you put a lot of work into this. Can't wait for more of your great quizzes!

  • very very very good quiz! great questions and description at the end. I got green eyes, but even though i have blue eyes the description is so accurate! congratulations on making it on the front page as well!:) well done:)

  • Green!!! Describes me perfectly, tied with Hazel, which I can't figure out how to read :P I actually have black eyes but this was a GREAT quiz!!! 10 stars!!!

  • True I do have black eyes and most of the things they said about black eyed people is true the rest not to sure about it.. Good quiz though by the way

  • I got brown eyes, even though mine are blue. The description's pretty accurate, though. :)

  • I got blue eyes as a result, although my eyes are a dark brown/black mixture. Nonetheless, good quiz :)

  • Blue eyes; I have green actually, but the description kinda describes me. Good quiz :)

  • I got brown eyes. Which is my eye color. Description was very accurate. Great quiz!

  • Black eyes. very accurate

  • Brown eyes.

    Some of it was inaccurate but I enjoyed the quiz and it looks like you worked hard on it. :) 9/10

  • Blue eyes? but I have multi- colored eyes that are mostly green but change, but I got green secondly lol great quiz! ^-^

  • Sorry about the blank post.

    I got blue eyes but have brown and it matches me nicely. Weird...but not unatural.

    anri hyuga
  • Black. True, although my eyes are green.

  • I got black eyes. I have green eyes, but that described me pretty well. Great quiz! :)


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