Would You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? | Comments

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  • Survivor, I know how to shoot my guns and protect myself as well when it comes to combat. Anyone who is close to me knows I’m heavy on combat, survival, and self-improvement. I’ve never went hunting before but I do my own target practice at home rather than shooting a gun once, at a relative’s house like an inexperienced average millennial kid.

  • Your Result: Survivor! 86%

    You know the ways of survival, and will make it through the apocalypse. You are among the few, and will help with the rebuilding of society after the war is over.

    Hell Yeah baby

  • Survived, I am very good with survival skills and common sense knowledge alot especially due to my adventurous and self reliant skills to. Cool quiz mate.

  • Survivor he'll yeah

  • you did pretty good with the quiz you should of rated my marks man skill to 1 to 10 because i would of my self a 10 out of 9 because im a really really good shoot cause i was the best marksman in my division back when i was in the military.

  • yea, i'm a survivor (^ ^)


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