Does He Like Me? | Comments

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  • I've been trying everything to push him away because I'm just not ready for a relationship, but the more he stays around me, my feelings for him only grow stronger and now its just killing me! He doesn't seem to care about how weird and awkward I am, and trust me, I've done enough embarassing things around him, I even act mean to him sometimes (in a teasing way though, lol). I just can't tell him I like him because 1, if he doesn't actually like me as well, things might become awkward between us, and 2, if he actually does like me and I tell him I like him back, but that I'm not ready for a relationship right now, he'll get so mad at me and tell me that it was pointless for me tell him something like that if I don't plan on going out with him. I just don't know what to do. :(

    • omg same my parents arent ok either hes 1 yr older btw but my parents arent ok with me dating .-. he likes me back he told me on CHRISTMAS eeee

    • Lucky you! I wish I could know if he likes me...I miss him though. I haven't seen him since Christmas break started at school. Our youthgroup also took Christmas break and I don't have an excuse to talk to him. BTW, what does your username mean?

    • Omg! Same with me u guys!!

    • literally same here, it is saying he likes me but im a little worried lol since he is one grade above me but technically 2 years older... I just started thinking ever since I went to my youth group he is always warm and welcoming to everyone but as I walked pass him he just kept looking from the corner of his eye like expecting me to make the move to say hi since I was expecting him to say hi lol so I just said hi and he had a full on q and a with me haha like hows life but then hugged and i walked away but at te place we do youth is at a friends house and i was pretending to be able to lift this huge weight like bar liftng thingy lol and he comes on over and says " can u lift that thing?" and I was jokingly saying no and so he comes along and tries to lift it and so I move out of his way and not only does he LIFT IT but HE SQUATS AND THEN PLACES IT BACK!! like ooooh I am holding on tight just laghing it off since I knew I couldnt do that UGH and then I have to leave later so I am on my way out and his older brother who you know our families are close but he comes oer and says goodbye to me and asks for when my next game is and gives me his number so he and Sam can go and Sam appears since he needed a ride...(sam being the guy I like) and is looking at me and then looks at his brothers girlfriend with a silly face and his girlfirnd Laren silently goes ooh but mouths it and ya. I WAS NOT TO SEE ALL NIGHT i just dream about this kid!! SOMEON GIVE ME ADVICE LOL


  • Love: We think about it, Sing about it,
    Dream about it && Loose sleep
    worrying about it. When we don't
    know we have it, we search for it.
    When we discover it, we don't know
    what to do with it. When we have it,
    we fear loosing it. It is the constant
    source of pleasure and pain. But we
    don't know which it will be from one
    moment to the next. It is a short
    word, easy to spell, difficult to
    define .
    I act like everything is fine between
    us but its not , Dont be shy to talk to
    me im not someone you have to
    impress , You mean the world to me
    and if i mean the world to you then
    we were meant to be . If i say " i love
    you " to you i mean it because you
    make me feel like someone im not .

  • Ok i need mega help. I've always been the one who was asked out, not me asking the guy out. So, i totally like this guy, and everyone is telling me he likes me too. He's such a dork (He's in plays, he thinks enough to wonder about the molecular structure of skin cells, yada yada. Even though i'm about the same, tee hees)And i adore him. Like, yesterday, this seriously annoying kid hit me in the head, and my crush gets up in his face and tells him if he tries it again, he's literally dead. And he picked me up! Eep! So, how do I ask him out? Please help!!!!!

    • U can see what his favourite coffee shop is, then ask him there. If he looks at you weirdly, say it is just for studying. If ylu really like him, you could lend him a bookwith a note that says I like u or just give him a.note probay no helo.nkw since ghat was 9 uears aho, but anyo.e who ljkes nerdy shy kind guys can try this i like one too and will try tgis one day! Eish yku all thr best of lucks! I will be rooting for you guys! <333

  • I havent thought about liking this guy, in fact I liked his best friend, until now. His mom is always saying how much he talks about me and he always smiles when he sees me. And yesterday he was worried about me because I had missed the school day before. I have hurt my leg and he was so worried and careful of me yesterday when I came back to school. And when I fell, he grabbed my hands and pulled me up and helped me get stable on my leg. And his mom wanted to stop by my house to give us some stuff, and he came with her! And we dont even know eachother that well! And when I told him I stayed home most of the day by myself he acted worried for me, like he was taking care of me. And when I told him that I stayed with (insert step dads name) he got all protective asking who that was, and I told him it was my step dad. And when they were leaving, he stays behind and we just stared at eachother while he was standing in the door, he than said goodbye, (insert my name) and petted my puppy and then just stood in the door while staring at me, he then smiled and left.

    • He really likes you- dare I say loves you? He cares for you a lot, and I'd try to stay near him as long as you can.

    • Huh, he seems nice, make him ur new boyfriend before he blehs you darlin girl

  • @animefangirl135 if he said he wasnt going unless he had other plans and that was why he wasnt going, i think that he might not like you yet. But you can always flirt with him and make yourself attractive. If you do that he might change his mind about you. A guy said he wouldnt go to a dance with me once and i pretended to cry a little (okay not entirely pretending, i'm really sensitive) and he ended up feeling kinda sorry for me so i got my dance. If all else fails you can try that.

    Starwars lover
    • ok so i just took a test and it says my crush likes me back but Idk if he does or not and i know there are 2 other guys that like me tho

    • the thing is they both are just really annyoing

      lol, i need help with anyone who has some good advice with relationships. Can yall text me back with some advice. THANK YOU!!!!

    • Devinascool123:

      GIRL! You need to just get out there and try to be their friend. Kinda put them in the friend zone if you don't like them back. It won't really hurt their feelings, and you'll be safe from them for a while. But if you do like him, then try to be friends, then act like you like them the other way. It'll put you on their radar and give you an excuse to talk to them! Blessings,

      Neptune Forever

    • Ugh, ditch him

  • Your Result: He likes you 80%

    He sorta likes you, but doesn't really want anyone to know. He still thinks he needs to get to know you a little more, but really wants to. Go after him... And anything can happen! Enjoy.

    78% He crushes over you... =)
    75% He Loves You GIRL!!

    66% He is in Head Over Heals MAD Love for YOU!

    0% He thinks your a total DOPE

    He always hangs around me and Ive tried to push him away, but he always comes back. And the more he hangs around, the more I wish he liked me. Im almost two years younger than him and he probably sees me as annoying. I hang around his six year old sister a lot so IF he thinks Im annoying thats probably why. When Im with her, she always drags him along with us, therefore we hang out a lot. Theres been multiple times where weve played tag and he always comes after ME. And I see his parents throwing him this look. Not necessarily sure what it means but its the look for something. Ive watched almost all the tiktok videos of guys confessing how much they love this one girl and for ONCE I wish someone I ACTUALLY liked liked me back. Someone I WANT to be in a relationship with.

    Anyways sorry if you had to listen to me ramble, it probably barely made sense tbh, but yeh.

  • Personally, I think this quiz is horrible. You really shouldn't base the fact of whether or not you are going to ask some unsuspecting chap out on a stupid quiz like this. If you like a guy, you should just go for it, this quiz said that my fiancee just "likes me" which wouldn't really make sense saying as we are getting married. Really people, if you like someone, gather up the courage to talk to them, maybe if you don't know them well, just get to understanding them, learning their likes and dislikes, then making the move because girls (and guys) a quiz should NOT determine how much someone likes or loves you... you are the ones who need to know that. Do you really think a computer quiz can solve your dilemma?? Please, please don't listen to this quiz if it told you he thinks you are a loser, or whatever it was they phrased it as, because more likely than not, he will like you, if you show that you are interested and they seem interested as well.

  • I've known him for seven years but only this year are people really thinking about these things. I've had a crush on him for at least 6 of those years and I think I love him. We're so young, and when I confessed to liking him not long ago, he didn't really say anything but he blushed and said for us to forget about it. Before that we'd been dancing when watching The King and I.

  • Dear Oijoy- Take the chance! Try it! If he has his buddies running around, putting in a good word for him, he has his eyes on you. Spark up a conversation, hang out with him, smile and laugh. See where it takes you.

    rebjess58- VIOLATION!! VIOLATION!! Do not take someother girls man!! Would you like that?! Don't flirt with this boy, let him be with his girlfriend. Sometimes boys flirt with other girls when they are in a relationship. The kindest thing you could do is alert his girlfriend, and STAY AWAY! Unless you want a horrible reputation, keep your hands off the toy.

  • I had this old boyfriend and he broke my heart and then started calling me names.Then, i had talked with him before but he all of a sudden acted really different and I realized that he was really cute and my friend asked him out for me and he said yes!But I keep trying to take all these quiz's because I am scared that he will break my heart too, so I keep my distance but I really like him I just can't tell if he really likes me I mean all these quiz's say he does but how can you tell off of a quiz!!!!UGH I really need advice. Do I trust him or will he end up like the last guy I dated!!!!! :(:(:(

    • You could date him but not get to close at first just in case once you trust him then get close. Dont be smack cold tho. But if yku really like him, go for it! Wish ylu the nest of luck. <3

  • He will state at me In chorus and I will look back at him And he'll blush and I tried out for A solo and the whole lass got quiet tO hear me and he said bet yah 20 bucks that's her as in me and he said told you when I got out from the curtaIn and I was like what and he smiled and blushed and was about to say something when his friend said he better 2O bucks on you and I blushed and the friend was like ooh he must like you and he was like shhh um nO I don't I um have a girl friend. And the teacher was no exception she started banging On the piano and screaming my name and his name sitting in a tree and the class followed and he was like ugh nO and I said I have a boyfriend I feel violated and after class he said so whose your boyfriend and I said he doesn't go 2 outlet school and I told him who It was and he blushed and said I broke up with my girl friend yesterday I just lied to get outta the sitchuation really embarrassing huh I was like you can't even imagine and we haven't talked since !!

    • Oh, that's sad, since it's been so long, I'm pretty sure it's all cleared up now. Blessings to you girl!

    • So, I was wondering, when he does not want to move out of the doorway, what does that mean? Is he comfortable around you?

    • Nah, hes more like, Hey potato, and always asks for a hug hehe! But I only give him hugs on Fridays.

  • Im a dope, of course. :( I should have seen that coming, every guy in my school says Im mean annoying and ugly. I know Im mean and annoying because of my deprssion. [yes I do suffer from depression but I didnt like the medicine so I stopped taking it]

    And with depression everything negative thats said is taken 10 times worse. And people just dont get how much words can hurt. And hopefully if your reading this and you call people names you'll stop that; beacause you dont know their life, so stop it. Thats all Im saying.

    Ok my rants done, sorry I just needed to say that. But great quiz! :D

    • You have your own beauty! Be brave and confedent!

  • I liked him because he was different. Every boy in my grade wears Etnies or socks and slippers but he wore Converse. Every boy wore Shorts but he wore Jeans. Every boy was in Football but he was in Basketball. Then 2 days ago, he started acting like everyone else. I don't get it, why did he change? My BFF told him I liked him right before the 2 week break. After the break and 3 weeks later, he started dressing like everyone else and acting like everyone else. I'm not sure if I should stop liking him or keep on liking him. i'm confused. I used to have a crush on another guy and he knew. Then when the guy I'm crushing on now knew, he started spending a lot of time with the guy I used to like. The are both SUPER CLOSE friends. on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the best, they are both a 9, but they weren't close to each other. Now they are. The guy I like is starting to act like the guy I used to like. Any help???

    • My crush supposebly likes me even though he has a girlfriend lol

    • He likes you 93%

      He sorta likes you, but doesn't really want anyone to know. He still thinks he needs to get to know you a little more, but really wants to. Go after him... And anything can happen! Enjoy.

      89% He crushes over you... =)
      86% He Loves You GIRL!!

      76% He is in Head Over Heals MAD Love for YOU!

      27% He thinks your a total DOPE

  • so i told my crush i liked him after talking a lot. We had known eachother for white as rlly good friends but then I found out he had a gf. Suddenly he totally opens up to me and cares for me and wants to talk more and if I start talking or doing something with a dif guy he would want to get involved which sounds obv that he would ike me but hes dating and talks all about his gf Sarah to ME cuz he i guess has no one to talk to but then tells me a week later that he broke up with her after being with her for a YEAAR and he accepts me and rlly likes the person that i am and everything and now we have sterted doing more like he woud measure his hand up against mine seeing how small my hands are and playing tic tak toe for fun when in cass, UGH someone give me the best advice I am dying.

  • Okay, so I'm in quite a love-dilemma right now. I've never really been in a relationship before because I'm too self-conscious of myself and shy. But there's this boy that I just met a few months ago who goes to the same school as me and he's in all of my classes. At first I didn't really take notice in him, but he eventually began talking to me, and then we started running into each other all the time to the point that we always hang out like everyday in the caf or the library, just the two of us. He constantly makes me laugh to the point that I can't breathe, and he's always complimenting me and telling me I'm really attractive and that he doesn't understand how a girl like me doesn't have a boyfriend. The other day he told me that he told his friend that I'm the most attractive girl in the class and his friend agreed. On one occasion, he also told me that he thinks I'm an amazing girl. He's always touching my arms or hands and now I've developed this massive crush on him. The problem is, I've told him that I don't plan on getting into a relationship with anyone right now, although he still seems to want to hang out with me regardless. I even got him interested in 90210 and Final Destination, lol. I took this quiz and it told me that he is head over heals mad in love with me, but I'm just too afraid of getting into a relationship with anyone right now, and for some reason I feel like he doesn't actually like me as much as I think he does. This is only because even though I do have his number and we sometimes text each other, he's never asked me to hang out with him outside of school, and I'm wondering if that's because he thinks that I'm not interested in him (since I've kind of acted that way too him). He's 2 years older than me and I usually don't go for older guys, but I just can't stop thinking about him!!!

  • I’ve had a crush on him (he’s my bf now <3) for a LONG time. Probably since fifth grade (I’m in seventh now) but I never thought it would happen because he had a gf in fifth. I never thought she was good enough for him even though she and I were good friends. Eventually, they broke up. But by that time I already liked someone else, however, I have always loved him because I could never imagine myself with anyone else. We have been dating for a month and 18 days now (and YES I HAVE COUNTED). Before we started dating we texted an insane amount and were “strictly besties”. Now that we are dating we still text a bunch and he is still like my brother. He always compliments me and all of our friends say we are really cute together. But his friends dont seem to like me very much and idk what i did… In sixth grade I was dating someone but still liked him (I know it was terrible but not as bad as his recent ex… gosh she was awful to him). But my bf (right when we told each other we liked each other) said that he’d liked me since the beginning of sixth grade, and was completely jealous of my ex. I love him so much. And I can’t imagine being without him. Buttttt I still feel like any moment now he’ll jump out and say… TRICKED YOU! CANT BELIEVE YOU FELL FOR THAT! I’m still a little scared but I’m getting over it. So… all is good in the hood lol

  • Ok, so uh theres this guy who Im friends with and Ive liked for over a year now and we talk quite frequently. We also share similar interests. People tell me he likes me back and Im starting to think thats the case too. I show him my drawings sometimes, and oh my gosh does he love them! I think I should go ahead and ask him out, but Im hella nervous and unsure how to do so. Any advice?

    • YOU GO GIRL! Im in a different situation but as you described it it seems as he likes you. So go ahead and do it. My advice is to do it in an elegant way, like do you want to go study together or something casual

  • My name is Jonas and I did this quiz from the view of 'him' and even though I am not shy at all I'm still too scared to go up to her, yes we boys are scared cats but when you approach us we always are comfortable to talk wichu, after that it said that 'he' which is me is into the person which I was surprised since like ten other tests said I'm not into her. We had a whole lot of fun in the past for the nearly last year. So yeah this test is indeed correct and btw my crushes name is the same as the creators name

  • Ok so there is this boy who I have history with. When we were in six or seventh grade he brought me flowers and chocolates for Valentines Day and asked me if I wanted to be his valentine. I just said sure and then as soon as the bell rang I ran as fast as I could away from the classroom, I was so not ready for a relationship. I mean neither of us were we were too young to understand the meaning of a relationship. Then in eighth grade this new girl came and they started dating I mean I thought we had something and honestly that broke my heart. But to be completely honest I used to ghost him a little bit. He texted me, this was back in sixth grade, and I just didnt know what to answer so I just didnt reply. So there he was with his girlfriend and I was just left broken-hearted. Eventually they broke up and she started dating this new guy who is now my best friend. Eventually they broke up and then the boy who I might or might not have a crush on got back together with that girl. After they had gotten together one of my best girl friends told me that before he got back together with his now girlfriend he told her that he had a crush on me again. This boy is just so hot and cold with me. He flirts with me and I flirt back a little, BUT HE HAS A GIRLFRIEND. One time me and my family were eating at a local plaza and he came up to us and said hi. He then proceeded to ask my parents how they were doing. Like two days after that I see him again at a pool party and he tells me that he loved the outfit that I was wearing that day at the plaza. He said that when his girlfriend was nearby, I really dont know if she heard that. Recently we have been hanging out more and I think Im starting to catch feelings again. I really dont want to ruin the relationship he has with that girl, who is kind of my friend I dont consider her a close friend though. I really dont know what to do so please if you somehow managed to read this completely GIVE ME SOME ADVICE. I would really appreciate i

  • okay so there's this guy in my class that I've known for eight years now, and about a half year ago i realized i was crushing on him. like we're friends, but only at school. he does pay a lot of attention to me, like he would look at me in class or talk to me. but he is also really annoying cause he keeps pinching and shoving and punching me (teasing, ofc). but he got me rly confused cause he's flirting with every girl. like he asked my bff to be his gf some weeks ago and she doesnt know i like him so she said yes. but then he broke up wit her a week later? and he chats with almost all the girls in my grade, but whenever i text him he replies me wit short msgs, as if he's mad at me. UGHH i'm so frustrated. lately it seems like he wants extra attention from me tho, smiling at me n stuff, but then he's over flirting with some other girl in our class. i'm not of the shy type, so i do tease him n pinch him n stuff, i can b pretty mean too, but i'm afraid that if i tell him i like him it'll get awkward between the 2 of us. ig if he liked me he'd ask me out like he did wit my bff? but then again i think he asked her out bc she kept clinging to him n follow him home n stuff? UGH

  • Ughhhh,my crush always stares @ me,when i talk about him 2 my friends,he always knows when i am talking about him,because he stares at me and smiles.My friends,we had a class meeting in my class room and(hes in my class)my friend put her hand up and like pointed to him,I said shutup and she laughed at me.I was blushing like crazy!He turned around and looked at me.What should i do!Well,school is out and he might be in my class next year.I'm not sure if my mother and his mother work at the same job.

  • So I really like this guy but he's like 3 years older than me, and he's my best friend's older brother, I mean I didn't mean to end up like him! It just happened! It's so confused about what to do because I don't want to tell him that I like him because I'm afraid I'll get shot down or worse he will actually want to be my boyfriend and then it would get super awkward when I'm around my best friend. What should I do?

    • stupid autocorrect, I ment liking him lol

    • and I'm not It's, my computer is so annoying

    • and he's on the varsty football team, I feel like I'm just not good enough for him to like! I also forgot to mention that he is my brothers friend too! So either we its going to be awkward and VERY confusing!

    • Shoot your shot! You can do it!

    • GO GET UR GUY!

  • Your Result: He Loves You GIRL!!

    *smiles from ear to ear* My boyfriend loves me? Fantastic! Lol, not like I'm one to base my life off of a silly quiz, but he's never told me he loves me, in the sheer realization that 'love' might be experienced in high school, but not as strongly as it will be in the future. I can see us lasting forever. He never touches me inappropriately, and in the cutest ways, asks to hold my hand. he opens doors for me, and insists on opening the car door for me, and taking my hand when I step out of his pick up ;D

    Our midnight rides through the woods on his horses give me butterflies, and with five months into the relationship, we haven't kissed. This is exiting, and I'm glad this quiz has proved me right.

  • I liked him for 8 years no joke. He is the best person in the world. Funny cute and shy. I like shy guys because I am not that wild either. He brightens up my day! But now I am kind of sad because the school year is over and now I lost my chance to ask him out. Me and a friend are going to get a group to go to the movies with us. Buts the last time we did he said he couldnt. He is still really shy around girls. But not me. Only once he called me. Every day to me it feels like we flirt. I am always am afraid that this one guy that is his friend who loves to party will invite him to one. He always invites the "popular girls". I hang out with them but its not the same. I am afraid he will start liking them. But then I really think about it he is just not that kind of guy. My crush is also like my best friend. We sound like romeo and juelet I know. But I have a huge delema. If I did ask him out and he said yes my best friend will hate me. She is a nice girl but she likes him too. She just moved her so I juess I have "dibs". But since I never told anyone just cross that out. Yep you herd NO ONE knows. Now even if I did want to ask him out I lost my chance. I am having a summer b day party. I dont know if I should ask him then and there though.

    Thanks anyways for the quiz... If it even matters.

  • It said he likes me back, but I gotta be honest, I don't know if it's true. I think he's crushing over some other girls and I don't know if I'm one of them. I wanna tell him I like him, but if he doesn't like me back, he'll just say he likes this other girl and we won't really go out. He's one of those guys that you'd think, by his personality, he'd always be chasing after girls, but I think he's actually really sensitive, which makes me like him even more. I'm not gonna blame him for liking this girl, he's too nice to be blamed. I'll blame that other girl . . .


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