Which Winning Color are You? | Comments

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  • My Dear friends online, My name is Patricia Mark and i live in USA, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 6 years ago, which lead to our break up. I was not myself again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine told me about a spell caster who helped her in solving similar problem. He is known as DR.KEN .I email the spell caster and i told him my problems and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happening , my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me i was so happy to have him back to me. The most interesting part of the story is that am pregnant. Thanks to DR.KEN for saving my marriage.

    Continue your good work sir, If you are interested to contact the great spell caster, here is his email address:[no emails] or contact him on WhatsApp- +2348104557346

  • My Dear friends online, My name is Patricia Mark and i live in USA, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 6 years ago, which lead to our break up. I was not myself again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine told me about a spell caster who helped her in solving similar problem. He is known as DR.KEN .I email the spell caster and i told him my problems and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happening , my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me i was so happy to have him back to me. The most interesting part of the story is that am pregnant. Thanks to DR.KEN for saving my marriage.

    Continue your good work sir, If you are interested to contact the great spell caster, here is his email address:[no emails] or contact him on WhatsApp- +2348104557346

    My Dear friends online, My name is Patricia Mark and i live in USA, I have to give this miraculous testimony, which is so unbelievable until now. I had a problem with my Ex husband 6 years ago, which lead to our break up. I was not myself again, i felt so empty inside me, my love and financial situation became worst, until a close friend of mine told me about a spell caster who helped her in solving similar problem. He is known as DR.KEN .I email the spell caster and i told him my problems and i did what he asked of me, to cut the long story short. Before i knew what was happening , my husband gave me a call and told me that he was coming back to me i was so happy to have him back to me. The most interesting part of the story is that am pregnant. Thanks to DR.KEN for saving my marriage.

    Continue your good work sir, If you are interested to contact the great spell caster, here is his email address:[no emails] or contact him on WhatsApp- +2348104557346

  • What a wonderful and a straight forward spell caster that has brought back joy and happiness into my life! Am giving this testimony because am so happy, I want to thank Dr. Osasu for the great thing He has done in my life , He brought happiness back to my life, I never believed in spell casters until my life fell apart when my lover of 6 years decided to call it quit almost when we wanted to get married. I was so emotional breakdown to the extent i could not do anything reasonable again, after 2months in pain before an old friend of mine introduced me to a spell caster on line called Dr Osasu, this was after I have been scammed by various fake spell casters. I was introduced me to Dr Osasu a true Spell Caster. In less than 24 hours i saw wonders, my lover came back to me and my life got back just like a completed puzzle, and after 1month later we got married and it was just like a dream to me because i thought i had lost him forever. Thank you Dr. Osasu for helping me but most of all, Your Honesty and Fast Accurate Results. email: Drosasu25@gmail. com WhatsApp Number: +2347064365391

  • "Winning Colors" are what we use in JROTC. It helped us determine who would fit good together in a group, and we all got 1 of each color. There are 4 colors in total. Brown is the builder, or leader. Green is the planner, like the independent artistic one. Blue is the relater, or the one that can best bring the group together, and red is the adventurer, which is the care-free "daredevil", if you will.

    • Right! I am more of the RED ADVENTURER

  • Do you even know winning colors are used for? They are used for to build a squad,team etc. They help you to learn social skills agmonst peers. I should know because I am in JROTC and we use winning colors. I am RED ADVENTURER.

  • Green,you like to be alone and are also very creative. Very true also green is actually my favorite color as well. I do wanna be a cartoonist or animator someday soon. Cool quiz mate.

  • I took this test in JROTC and these are not the accurate questions to determine Winning Colors. Keep in mind that winning colors changes over time.

  • this is such a great quiz! You should totally make more, i gave you 10 stars! :) I got Red-Adventurer... The discription is awesome and fits me perfectly!!!

  • That was really cool! I got Green-Planner, fits me perfectly, and also happens to be my favourite colour :] ~Luna

    Loony Luna
  • Builder...hmm, like an engineer?

  • Green-Planner 92%

  • Can you change brown to black?

  • Blue-Relater. ^^ Loved it. xx ~Emo

    Xx 3mo_Star xX
  • hi


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