How will I die? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How will I die?
oh im gonna die saving someones life? wow, that is pretty nice of me. probably wont ever happen cuz i dont give a damn about people but that would be a nice way to go out! at least i would be remembered i guess.
sairduh1 -
ok, dude with all the numbers. YOU ARE A PSYCHO. holy crap. its just a quiz. god. it doesnt mean your actually gona die with that! jeez. chill out.
im gonna die saving someones life hehe.
lol -
First i got car accident then dying from sex with the same answers
Leon1 -
it said ill die of boredom. that may be true because this quiz was so boring, i felt my life slipping away!and dont offend christians. im one! Holy Power!!
WOOT! i'm gonna die saving someones life! how heroic.
wonderful. I am going to die of BOREDOM.
I need to find a way to entertain myself more.
musicrox1 -
I'm gonna die saving someones life....kinda ironic since i'm a Cop.
Im gonna die saving someones life cool,Hey just like Twilight princess midna!
I am gonna die in a ca r accident...I already knew that though...I have been in more then 15 already...
cricket1 -
In a car accident?!? NEVER GOING IN A CAR AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!
I got being Murdered....
127101191 -
I'll die from car
I got die from nuclear holocaust..maybe its true..because Im in japan and japan will end in 2025..
I'll die of boredom!! So true though lol.
Azozlin1 -
I am going to die of boredom :( well I have to not be bored
Zeeeeee1 -
I'm 8 so why would I drive a car? It says 85% I will die in a car accident, at least another quiz says I wont die till I'm 885
I mean 85 not 885
I will die in a car accident! yay! I'm not afraid of death its not new so I could care less I was just curious.
What the f---- I got during a car accident but die while having sex?! Why the hell was that on there?! And how can they guess how you die if I said number 4
Diabetes1 -
Sameee it look like im not getting in a car for while
I will die while saving someone's life!!!!!!
QueerFox1 -
How will I die
Saving someone's life 92%!!!!Arsinal1 -
I'm going to be murdered.
This scares me.
d_h1 -
I will die of boredom... Lol