Should You be a Boy or a Girl? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Should You be a Boy or a Girl?
Guess I'm turning into a boy with this one π£π£π£π£π£π₯π₯π₯π₯
Idk_bro1 -
I knew that I was supposed to born with a front tail.
I got man but I feel like I should be woman, I play videogames but I always try to play as a female avatar because for some reason it makes me happier than playing as male, I feel more like my character subconsciously.
I'm around people who would accept me but one of them is a creep and would comment on s--- like they always so. I'm not sure if I should speak to anyone about it such as my mother, as my father is too old to fully grasp the concept.
i got girl but i wanted to be a boy...
I'm born Male but have felt feminine for most of my life. I see myself as a girl inside and out. And I always dress up feminine 24. 7. I always wear beautiful lingirie and beautiful lacy stockings every day. And beautiful babydoll nighties in bed alone. But I really want a lover to appreciate me and love me for who I am. I'm very loving and giving as a feminine girly guy. I love to dress up to please and tease. XxxxxX
You just have to be what you are ment tobe.
JennyJo3 -
Well thats kinda hawt lol but sweet do you boo
Dyswavey0 -
You do you! I was born female and have always felt like I am in the wrong body. I intend on getting the Transgender surgery when I'm older.I dress as a boy most the time to make myself happy. To those who don't like it,keep it to yourself.
We support sweetie!!!!! You're amazing however you are!!!!!!!!!
Alycia rose walker ,
the little boy I've always dreamed of having my ears pierced so when I turn 17 I had both my ears pierced three times in each year and then one day I was with my girlfriend and she wanted to dress me up as a girl and show me how to her mom's family since then I've always felt like I should have been a girl not a boy but I still like girls I don't like boys and now I've been dressing up like a girl since 2019 going out in public but I still need to work on my voice because I look so damn cute as a girl but as soon as I open my mouth I sound like a man so I really need to work on female lysing my voice thank you for reading my story and my real name is David Kenneth Walker
That's since 2009
You are a Boy 93%
You are a boy. You generally speaking do not care what you look like, but secretly, you are self concious. You either have a large group of friend or a very small amount of very close friends. You are heavily criticized not on your appearance, but your personality. You tend to resort to physical rather than verbal/ emotional violence, trying to be a MACHO MAN. Simply, you are in fact a MACHO MACHO MAN, YOU ARE A, MACHO MAN !!!
I have always known I was born in the wrong body. As a child I was always frustrated that I couldn't wear cute girls clothes or play house and dolls because this wasn't what boys did in the 1960's. I have always felt feminine inside, caring and motherly. In my later years, I am doing the best I can to be the person I really should have been born.
85% Girl, I love that , I like being treated as a WOMAN for that's who I am inside, I would love dressing up as a WOMAN and be able to live as one but can't because of society and family. Anyways thanks for the confirmation, loved it.
Thats the problem. .I would dress as a woman if I could..but family wouldent accept it ..I have a skirt on today..don't like male clothes.
91% girl. I love to dress as a women whenever I can. Nothing makes me feel better than to look in the mirror and see a pretty woman.
I scored girl at 86%. I couldn't be more happy with this. Ever since I was little I ALWAYS envied girls. I would make a wish on every shooting star, every brightest star or first star at night, with every coin I would throw into a fountain and every time I'd blow out the candles on my birthday cake that I could wake up as a pretty girl i the morning and have everybody treat me as if I had always been one but still remember being a boy, at least for a little while so i could get an even bigger thrill out of it.
I also used to sneak the Sears catalogues into my bedroom and go through all of the pages of the girls' wear section, wishing that I could be one of the pretty models and get to wear all of the pretty skirts, tops, dresses, panties and tights, as well as the bathing suits and jammies.
I was only around 8 when I tried on my first pair of panties but started dressing up a lot more when I was 13. Whenever I would visit one of my sisters after they moved out of the house I would take any opportunity I could and try on their clothes whenever they would leave me alone in while they went to work.
I grew up in the country and when I was old enough to be left alone, I would dress up whenever my parents would go to town. It was a half hour drive so I'd wait at least that long before going to my secret stash, which I had hidden in the forest and dress up
That being said, I think that the questions should have ben a bit more broader based.
For instance: WHO is Greg? The only reference to that name is Greg Brady from "The Brady Bunch" I was always envious of Jan.
The music selection could have had more options too. I think that two of my most favourite single female performers are nancy Sinatra' "These Boots Are Made For Walking" And Jeanne C. Riley "Harper Valley P.T.A.
I wasn't much of a beer drinker in my youth either. I preferred Captain Morgan's Dark
There were a lot of questions that I couldn't answer, for example, I don't drink alcohol at all, I don't listen to any of the songs on the list and I don't have any real friends, just a couple online, but I can't invite them to play monopoly- In general, the test said that I am a boy, and that's right I'm a transmask, but I don't use physical violence, even mild violence anywhere ππ I try not to take this test too seriously, it was created for entertainment anyway, I think it's okay if girls behave 'manly' or boys behave 'feminine' πΆπ€π’
Ntony1 -
I was born male. I just wonder though. When it comes to my manners and emotions, I believe they are more very feminine. People even say I sound feminine on the phone and call me Miss. I have a genetic blood disorder that made things even worse. I never developed like many males and became muscular. I have a frame that is closer to my mother's. I was born with high cheekbones and soft dark hair at birth, I never really could grow a lot of facial hair. Women would always say say you have the smoothest skin for a male. When I grow my hair out and decide not to be bald, some people think I am a woman. I am a small person. I accidentally placed on a pair of my sister's brown khakis one time-she and I were the same size once...a women's size six. I didn't know I was that size. My late aunt told me I should get my ears pierce...I considered it once. My cousin and nephews pierced theirs. I've had trouble dating women since most want a big man. They find out about my genetic illness, then they really depart. The best lady in my life whom I loved dearly died. She loved seeing me with my hair grown out. She also loved to hear to hear me sing and loved the poetry I wrote for her. I considered getting a makeover and dressing up since people think I can pass with hair. Maybe I can somebody if I look like one. It's bad that's what many think I'm good for is wearing a formal dress and high heels. The tests say I think like a girl. Maybe that is why my writing is so popular. Maybe I should soon test it out in real life. I've always been curious. With the Lupron shots my urologist's been giving me for private problems, I've developed breasts between B and C. I've considered wearing support if the problem of gynecomastia worsens. I'll have a reason to wear lingerie and thongs if I decide to become to try out the life of of a crossdresser. I'd always been curious. I'd bet women's clothes would fit me better than men's clothes. None of the mens clothes I've ever worn have ever fit me co
I got girl, I agree with it I was born male but have always felt like I was a girl in the wrong body
Yaaay. I got "you are a a girl". If only I could have been born as one. I wish that there could be a magic spell somehow that could turn me into the pretty little girl like I've always wanted to be but be able to keep my memories of my former life intact and grow up in a loving, nurturing home and community where everyone would treat me as if I had had always been one.
I'm mostly girly even though I'm actually a boy I always felt like I should be a girly girl and wear cute clothes lots of makeup heels Jewlry and have lots of purses
Hey I'm a boy N the other dY a girl told me sId dam I'm a girl an I don't like dressing up S much as you I love e girly things call .e queer f-- what e dr guess ther right
Born a boy however from a very young age wanted to be a girl and would dress up as much possible in girls clothes. I now live as a woman loving every day and try my best to present as the lady I am.
Lexine2 -
So this test said I'm a boy/man, and yes, some parts of my personality have always matched better with typically masculine traits, but I was born a girl and I feel comfortable as a girl, so I'm not sure how to interpret these results. Thoughts?
Should You be a Boy or a Girl?
Your Result: You are a Boy 91%
79% You are a Girl
Good thats the answer I wantedAlso to other people in this comment section yall should really know that this is just meant to be a fun quiz (not like I wrote it or anything but I just think it is) its definitely not serious!! If you think youre transgender theres a lot of other quizzes that are seriously about it!!! And a lot of these questions really dont have anything to with gender at all
Appreciate having the opportunity to prove that my medically diagnosis of gender dysphoria is accurate.
I feel I am closer to letting family and friends know that I am really a woman in a male body. I am so happy crossdressing and spending more happy time being RobinAnne. Thanks
it says l am a girl and that is how l feel. l just wish l could tell my friend and family but till then l will keep wearing my girly clothes and wear them in when alone. l am trying to get bigger breasts so when the grow all will know that l am sissy.
That legitimately upset me, I'm 13 and I got a boy and I've biologically been a boy my entire life but ever since I was about 6, I've felt like a girl and I've always wanted to be a girl and that quiz just showed me that I could never be who I wanted, I'm not against the creator, I just hate myself
I was born female but i like boy clothes i also like the name jay even though my name is Jadea i like to wear soft boy and oversized jumpers i like acting like a boy and love to play the boy when playing games i got 90 percent boy and i feel like i am a boy not a girl :)
I got 78% male and 52% female. As a women myself my friends see me a bit more on the masculine side. In relationships Im both affectionate but most of the time Im dominant. Even tho Im a bit more masculine Im attracted to guys. Personally I like being a female.
I got man. I'm a transmasc who loves to be feminine. I don't take this quiz seriously because it's just for fun and I like to have fun. I just want to say that your personality and looks have nothing to do with your gender. Just simply be yourself. You should always be yourself :3
Leokasa1 -
I got boy even though I am a girl, however I am most definetely a tomboy (ex. I play flag football on an all-boys team, and in general I tend to prefer stereotypical boy activities). I'm honestly not that surprised.
I got like, 83% something boy? Im a girl (who kinda wants to be a boy) Im not trans or anything, like I dont feel weird about being called a she or having a /////
But still, Idk. Im confused.-
It's strange you would want to be a's got to be better being a girl..clothes are so much can go out in anything you want to ...I can't. .much prefer skirts..if only ..
Wow, i got 97% girl. But i am a guy who is lazy amd plays video games all day, should i really consider being a girl maybe? I mean I always wanted to have long hair and nails, but my parents say I cannot. Can someone snap me at j-ninjadj to tell me if I should? Thank you
Tis1 -
I think if anyone is taking this test and considering that they should be the opposite gender, you should look into transgender support, or therapy.
LadyAsp2 -
I've felt feminine my whole life, wear womens clothing and silicone breasts n water to be s woman my whole life n a Soft Dom man to b with me til one of us us no longer alive. I was 14 n on the streets wen I had my first dom n last one at age 19 wen he pasd away.
I'm a cross dresser male who wants to become forced to love being a girl and want to become a girl by dating straight men and having regular sexual intercourse so I love this answer!
Hi didigirly
I too have the same fantasy.. but I would dearly love to meet a girl like you.. force her to be girly 24/7. And be her straight male boyfriend
Gerry XX ( babysandra )