Which Chipmunk/Chipette are You? | Comments

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  • Which Chipmunk/Chipette are You?
    Your Result: Brittany 83%

    She's pretty selfish and vain, but still cares about her sisters. She's always the main focus/center of attention, and likes it that way. She's very much like Alvin, with her confident and conceited nature. But she is much less likely to wreak havoc or cause a mess; she's much more concerned about her appearance. In the CGI films, she still cares about her sisters, but it is evident that her hair is more important to her than Eleanor's sprained ankle.

    62% Jeanette
    51% Eleanor
    46% Simon
    31% Alvin
    23% Theodore

    female foxo
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  • Definitely true bout me! U make good quizez!

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