Is Your Best Friend Fake? | Comments

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  • I got 66% real..
    It really made me open my eyes

    My so called best friend started distancing from me. She stopped answering my texts, my phone calls and then used ridiculous excuses like I didnt see the texts even if I literally saw that see read the texts. Then she started distancing from me in school as well. She would never choose me as a partner for any assignments or projects. Whenever I asked her to hang out at lunch she would tell me that she unfortunately was hanging out with someone else just like ALL the other days at lunch..

    But when this other person she hangs out with happens to be sick she wants to sit with me in lunch. And when we do sit together at lunch we have hell a lot of fun. I usually ask her why she doesnt answer my texts and when I do she just starts ignoring me. So we can have fun at times but I wouldnt really call her my closest friend.

    The sad potato
    • This Quiz is sooooo true case my 'best friend' has no friends cause of the way she acts and lies and backbites etc (btw she ain't my friend she has 0 friends cause she not a true friend!!!!)

  • I got 66% and here is the thing me and my best friend have been bsfs for 5 years and In September 2021 we had a new friend and shes in our friend group now lets call her S, S wants to be best friends with my best friend (A) and shes always with her and me and A friendship is staring to fall apart I hate it it hurts my feelings so bad man I care abt her and it just seems like she only calls me her best friend when she needs things whenever I have anything I give her but when I ask her she never gives me but gives S I really dont know what to do and whenever its three of us Im always left out I dont want to be seen as dramatic do u think Im overreacting? Are we even real best friends anymore

    • No.... sorry for your loss but your friendship for each other is gone stop talking to her ok it is best if you do but sometimes you have to stand up and fight through the pain!! Ok...........

    • You are not overreacting! I’m so sorry that happened to you.

  • Yesterday i got in a fight [like not argument if ykyk] and they were like "Bro nobody likes u leave" and they pushed me. I knew they were fake but they were my "Best friend". [what happened with the fight] She [my

    'best friend's" friend] got on top of me {i was laying down and she sat on me} and said "go get a worm or something" and so i was freaking out bc i am TERRIFIED of worms. After like 2 mins of me trying to get her off I finally grabbed her hoodie and scratched her neck and so she punched me in the head got up and stepped on my stomach. I got up and said "You happy?" they ignored me then said nobody likes u then continued to talk s^!t abt me then said it was assault for me to scratch her neck in my head i was like ok then dont hold me down. Do you think im right or her?

    • You. you ok god i feel bad for u get some help and tell principal sometimes you have to get the upper hand right so............... yeah

  • So, i got that my friend is a little more fake then usual, no wonder she barely smiles when i tell her something and always puts blame on me for things she did instead of me

  • My best friend manipulated me for 2 years. She is super popular and pretty so I was so happy to be her friend. My brain erases traumatic memories so she would say someone mean and then I’d forget and believe she was a good person and go back for more. I figured out in January that this was unhealthy.

    I don’t know if I should tell her I want to end it. I’m moving btw. Our moms are friends tho.

  • I'm so glad I took this test, it opened my eyes, so the story is I really liked this guy and we started hanging out... A lot... Then out of the blue she likes him asks him out (he said no) and pushes me to the side trying to get him to say yes and soon enough I saw she "liked" him so I stopped going after him... But now I see how much of a b---- she was spreading my secrets and treating me like crap, thank you so much! I Can't wait to spend a day without that b----!

  • So like, I have two friends in a GC I text, we don't live with each other, (virtual friendship) seems like the friendship is going good and all, there's just my main friend I usually get to have fun to text with her, but whenever my other friend gets on, I feel insecure, this happened when we got into a trust fight. This exactly made me lose trust in her, so like whenever she gets on, me and my friend were talking about jokes and stuff, I notice her and say a quick "what's up!" Even tho I'm insecure, but still try to act like I'm not and "so happy" when she appears. But like whenever I need time alone or like act "suspicious" to get away from them, my thoughts come to mind, that my friends don't really trust me, they leave together to each other and probably talk s--- about me, and it makes me feel really bad, and they probably think I don't know or think any of that, I just know it's true since me and my other friend got into a huge trust fight. I feel so disappointed and that both of my "friends" talk behind me, in every negative way.

    I make excuses to not hang out with them, and it seems like they then talk s--- about it to each other. They literally get on my nerves. And yes, I don't trust them no matter how much we talk about stuff we find extremely hilarious and relatable to us, it's just the moment that the thought that they were talking behind me made me lose all of the trust and the good moments with them.

    I felt so much anger, I felt so paranoid, I literally raged, the people I most trusted, the people I thought I finally had friends and common with all of them, would secretly gossip about me and lie

    Because I'll always suspect that from people,

    I just feel like it was all fake, also not only about the stuff they talk about me, since they live very far away from me, they live together,

    Ever since they both told me they had a new student in their school, they like told me stuff about her, at first obviously I thought they made a new friend, but like recentl

  • 90% well I do trust her whit my life. But she hanged with girls I hate who think they are all that but then on the last day of school we spent all day together. She isn't really friends with the " girl who think they are all that". She did like my crush but I didn't know that because I didn't tell her and that was only for a little while that she liked Him! So cute.

  • my "so called best friend" was said to be 90% FAKE. (Which i believe BTW)

    So used me to get to my boyfriend which she succeed.So I was now useless to her then she decides to blue tick all my texts, ignore all my calls, block me from following almost all her social media accounts, she doesn't even stand near me and worst of all the B____ treats me like a pile of dog S___.

  • I got 70%. She would literally ignore me for 24 hours sometimes and then after come up to me and say Hey bestie! I only ignored you because I was angry, not at you, just angry. We would never fight because you are the bestest friend in the world!! Im like, tf??. She would also take my food eg. A packet of crisps and eat them all herself and then When I mention it shes like, it doesnt matter youre the most amazing bestie Ive ever had!! The AUDACITY- So yeah Ive been used by 2 girls now and im done-

  • Is Your Best Friend Fake?
    Your Result: Fake 64%

    (Sorry) Your "best friend" isn't being so friendly. Don't pour your heart out to this person because they might not do the same... they might fake it and say they did, though. Your friend is, honestly and sorry, a liar, a backstabber and a cheater which almost everything, and that for sure includes you. They aren't being a good friend and we all know someone that's been pouring their heart out to a hater, well, they deserve a lot better.

    i dont even know why we were best friends in first place...

  • Is Your Best Friend Fake?
    Your Result: A Little Fake 66%

    Your friend is only human so it is no wonder why they can be a little bit fake at times. There are parts your friend can improve on, but nobody is perfect. You don't have to raise your guards very much around your friend because they aren't too much of a faker, or you shouldn't have to.

    i don't even know why were friends she always ignores me

  • Is Your Best Friend Fake?
    Your Result: More Fake Than Usual 77%

    Your friend is a little bit... well, they aren't exactly... :I. Your friend isn't exactly being as honest or truthful with you, which is probably why sometimes you have to raise your gaurd around them. Sometimes your certain friend isn't with reality, and lies to you, may backstab... you know. (Sorry) Let's hope this isn't your ONLY best friend, because let's face it. You could do a bit better.

    60% Fake
    29% A Little Fake 19%

  • So there's this friend of mine, we used to have a lotta fun, chatting, her sharing her secrets, laughing at my worst jokes, saving seats for me n all tht s---. So now this year we are in a diff class, asked her why she's ignoring me (my only friend since 2 yrs), said she was busy and needed to give a lil attention to her other friend too, went out without me, all the other friends I had are turned against me cuz of her crap talk about me, laughs when someone insults me, I got 44% real. My school life is ruined cuz of her. Hope she dies

  • I have this friend she has called me a lair many times and put up this emote at me on textThat one and called me not a real friend when I did nothing and I have a felling shes talking about me behind my back to my other fiend about what I say to her

    • i have this friend,not gonna name her,but she keeps calling me a liar and sk8ter girl bc she knows i hate to call me like that,but i didnt eve lie to her,and now she keeps letting me on seen for no reason,but im happy now i know the truth...

  • When I ask my friend to call she always says no and when I ask why she says cuz and today I wanted to talk about going in to high school on Tuesday and she wouldnt answer my call and I said it was a long conversation and said Its fine dont matter she said its doesnt matter its long sometimes I think why Im I her friend and I have another friend but if I started to talk about her we would be all day

  • Im basically moving school because of them and wasnt rlly surprised with the result I got, they leave me out all the time and act like I dont exist at all, they always sayOMG I LOVE U UR MY BEST FRIEND but then they treat me the worst and they think we are still friends but rlly we are not, thx for doing this test :)

  • i got 82 fake... Kinda make sense cuz they often talk without me and i once heard what they're talking about and it's about me ...........I had no other friends that's why i must hang out with them. ( sorry my grammar is bad because i's not the language that my country using)

  • You are cruel, bestie! or maybe i shouldn't even call you that! although, this quiz didn't suprise me. she lies, backstabs, even thoufgh the is sometimes nice. i cannot believe this, or, well, i actually kinda-sorta can.

  • I got that my friend is fake. No wonder he is always lying and pretending that I am one of his three closest friends. He said I owed him money sometimes for no reason and would rarely pay me back if at all. This guy told people all of my secrets and then wanted me to do things for me. And when he was done with me, he casted me aside and moved on to somebody else. Then, he would wonder where I was and he somehow needed me. When I did not talk for a month over the winter break, he saw me when I got back to campus and was upset I did not contact him when I did that for a reason so I could move on from him. His home is about 10-15 minutes from me so if he worked out, it would have been nice. No going back now.

  • Wow... 86% not friend... She just talked behind my back, called me a lier, and flat out lied to my face! I'm not all that surprised...

    • I understand you. My 'bff' also called me liar! :(

    • i know how you fell my friend did that to

  • Ok.idk if I should trust her bc she never talks to me anymore and literally have a tt dedicated to her friendship with two others but she abandoned ours in mid 22. Idk tho cuz Ive known her for 7 years soon

  • Bruh my friend bullied me and backstabbed me with my other "friend"

    and untill today she still thinks that she will always be my friend tho it is kinda deppressing that they hurt me mentally and physically :(

  • I got 82% but I dont believe the results.

    he had lied to our friends in common in their messages he had lied to my friends to make me look like a fool to draw attention. this is a big blow to me i didn't expect my close friend to go that far

    I dont know what to do now?
    What would you do?

    Erion gashi
  • Well my bestie isn't that great of a friend... >.

    • i feel that mine isnt eaither


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