Am I Getting Too Fat? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Am I Getting Too Fat?
You are likely underweight, or close to being underweight. All you need to do is eat a little bit more fatty foods. Don't be scared, be confident. Just try to gain some weight, and don't think of it as trying to get fat.
57% You Need To Lose Weight
41% You Are FineI want to gain weight because I think its attractive but I dont want to be immobile or obese cause thats kinda weird but Im okay with this result because its accurate lol.
Ayee422 -
Your Result: Obese
100%You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you
Swws2 -
Okay so today I ate 48 biscuits. I checked the BMI and I am on level III obesity. :(
You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
Morbidly Obese 85%
Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)
79% Obese
51% Really starting to get big
29% Overweight
10% You are underweight.
10% Perfect!
8% You are way too underweight!
5% Close to overweight.
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Thanks For Visiting!Thank you so much for taking the ultimate weight quiz. It was so kind of you for choosing this very quiz. I hope your result was perfect, if it isn't and was overweight or bigger. Try losing a few pounds. Have a great day! :)
"The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate" was created by RMQV33281
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Sws 2212-
Obese 92%
Your just like me, we are full on obese. But we shouldn't be happy out that, its very unhealthy. You have a very large belly, thunder thighs, big arms, thick calves, and a fat face. Everything about you is extra large. You sweat all the time, clothes doesn't fit right, and you just keep eating to make yourself fell better (I know from experience). Physical activity is hard, your constantly out of breath, and sweat puddles with a fat red face. Worst of all you get bullied about it all the time at school and get treated like your a monster. In PE the athletic kids steal of clothes so you have to walk around the locker room trying to find them in your underwear. Your friends and siblings tease you and make you feel bad so you just eat more and more. (Sorry for the rant, its just how I feel). You might want to put on your XXL sweats and hit the gym each day and really change you eating habits. (I'm trying do to that as well)
Morbidly Obese 85%
Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)
79% Obese
51% Really starting to get big
29% Overweight
10% You are underweight.
10% Perfect!
8% You are way too underweight!
5% Close to overweight.
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1: Awful2: Bad3: Meh4: Good5: Great
(click a smiley rating)
Thanks For Visiting! -
obesityThe Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate
Your Result: Morbidly Obese 93%
Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)
82% Obese
53% Really starting to get big
32% Overweight
8% Perfect!
7% You are underweight.
7% Close to overweight.
4% You are way too underweightSws 22151 -
The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate
Your Result: Morbidly Obese 93%
Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)
82% Obese
51% Really starting to get big
32% Overweight
10% You are underweight.
10% Perfect!
7% Close to overweight.
4% You are way tooSwws1 -
Morbidly Obese 85%
Your a way way way too big. Right now, like now go start a diet plan and call up a doctor for some tips. You are really close to being bed bound. And now your life has been shorted by at least 5 years. Go join a weight losing program and you'll be ready to go! Have a nice day! :)
79% Obese
51% Really starting to get big
29% Overweight
10% You are underweight.
10% Perfect!
8% You are way too underweight!
5% Close to overweight.
Rate This Quiz:
1: Awful2: Bad3: Meh4: Good -
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 86%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
81% You Are Fine
24% You Need to Gain Weight
honestly this was quite insultingLyla1 -
Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 86%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
81% You Are Fine
24% You Need to Gain Weight
honestly this was quite -
Your quiz results
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 77%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
55% You Are Fine
Your quiz results
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 77%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
55% You Are
Sws20251 -
Result: Obese 98%
You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!
Sws22121 -
Result: Obese 98%
You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!
Result: Obese 98%
You are extremely overweight. You really need to get out and do some exercise everyday for the rest of your life. You don't want to die because of excess fat on your body do you? Well i hope not, so change your life immediately!
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 98%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
0% You Are Fine
0% You Need to Gain WeighSwws1 -
Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 91%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
0% You Are Fine
0% You Need to Gain WeightSws 2211 -
quiz results
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight
100%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
0% You Are Fine
0% YouSws 2211 -
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 88%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
7% You Are Fine
0% YSws111 -
quiz results
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 77%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
55% You Are Fine
Sws20251 -
Result: You Need To Lose Weight 91%
You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin
Sws20251 -
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 98%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
0% You Are Fine
0% You Need to -
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 98%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
0% You Are Fine
0% You Need to Gain -
Your Result: Morbidly Obese 93%
You feed your girl until she is ready to explode. You love to get lost in her ultimate fatness and give her a belly rub. You love it when her stomach slips over her pants!
Your Resul
Sws 22151 -
Am I Getting Too Fat?
Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 98%You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.
0% You Are Fine
0% You Need toSws 2211