How much money will you have when your older | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How much money will you have when your older.
Your Result: High 84%
You will have alot of money. Enough for a penthouse and a plasma tv. Enough to have a nice pool and a hot tub. You will stay alive. You probably wont run into any financial trouble. You will have a great life.
262fydfj1 -
oh ya i forgot to put my result it was
Your Result: RICH!!!Your gonna be rich! lotsa cash and parties in your huge mansion!!! You will have plasma tvs for your kids and your grandkids! You will buy diamond jewellry for your wife and your daughter!!!
this is my cousins account but anyway i got middle!
i got richhhh but where it says u will be buyin diaomands for ur wife thats not gonna be possible cuz im a girl not a guy soo thatll have to be changed to husband instead of wife cuz im straight
middle, yay
Woooo!!!!!!!!I'm gonna be ri-ch!(sings that for two hours)
high, yes, i wana b a vet
X Jess X1
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