White Privilege Quiz | Comments

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  • White privilege doesn't exist...

    Most of these questions are really dependent on where you grow up.

    For ex: If you grow up in a black-based community, then you are most likely to be surrounded by black people, etc.

    This is propaganda to make leftists feel better about themselves.

    I am an Asian who was born in America, with plentiful privileges, such as growing up with a good and wealthy family in a fantastic community. As I am near the age of angsty teenage years, I always hear racist comments, such as *ching chong ching chong* but it is never referred to seriously, always jokingly.

    If there is anything, there is Asian privilege.

    We have a higher percentage than any race of getting into college, (except for Harvard,) we are typically wealthier, and literally, everything addressed in this passage.

    My parents wouldn't be happy with my 40%, it's not even a passing grade ;)

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  • Such propaganda and to think someone actually thinks they were "smart" when putting it together? In my Junior High, in 1964, we had our first 2 black Americans enrolled. They were treated more like celebrities! That was in Baldwin Park, CA - LA County. Since the 60's there has been a major shift and racism had all but died, until revived by the Democrats under the Obama administration. AND - it still doesn't exist, except in the mind of those lefty idiots who think they can get something from the movement. This test had me at 68% white privilage - really? I was poor and white. THere was no privilage. It was up to me to work hard and make something out of my life. And just a word about reparations...if you give ANY, then I better be considered. I have Irish heritage and slaves in my bloodline. And please, don't forget the Chinese that were treated worse then most black slaves! Liberal education needs to take a long look at reality instead of making up the crap that makes them feel good about themselves.

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  • How funny... I'm Indian. German. & Norwegian... Growing up in the small towns i did... we had no black families... a couple Mexican families...quite a few Indian families.

    The largest common denominator was "FAMILY"... There were MAYBE a handful of divorced couples in the entire area. Your family might remain friends with the husband...or the wife...(never both)

    I can honestly say...that had there been black families around...they would have been treated the same as any other family...(Hard working, Honest, God fearing, Family oriented) treated the same...unless you got divorced...

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  • The term white privilege is total bulls--- made up from the left simply to have a talking point or agenda because they lack any real issues. All men are created equal. Your skin color has nothing to do with how far you'll get in life. That is solely up to you and your drive to achieve your life's goals.People need to stop believing in these "Chicken Little Theories" that the sky is going to fall! The world coming to an end in 12 yrs. is another bulls--- example of how the left attempts to place fear in the hearts of unsuspecting people. It's pathetic!!

    The Swampfox
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  • Many of these questions have no point or basis depending on many situations and simply plays off of feelings, rather than other extremely common social events that occur in both rural and urban settings. This quiz isn't accurate, I literally pulled the same score as my black friend. Who would've thought that a black guy would pull %60 white privilege.

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  • Very interesting... I identify as white but I lived in the Middle East for several years as well as Nigeria where I worked for a while. I answered the questions indicating where I felt out of place, especially when in groups of friends and coworkers in Bahrain and Lagos as a white man. I was often asked insensitive questions about sun sensitivity - carrot face or oyibo - someone who is white from eating too much Chili, were memorable micro-aggressions.

    Also I am gay and my partner who is a black Arab Muslim from Oman has faced many jibes about being with a white man from family and friends whove seen us together when we visit the Gulf. Also the quiz mentions history, and it seems that the only history that matters in the Middle East is Islamic History with other cultures and periods being almost completely ignored.

    I suspect that the problem is familiarity with other races and cultures and that if you spend your life in a mono culture such as in Nigeria, you get stared at and treated differently simply because as a white person you stick out and get treated differently. Examples are getting charged more for services and goods, and often feeling unsafe and threatened when walking in the streets of the cities.

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  • If anything, in today's society there's no male privilege, white privilege, or anything like that, but it is being more and more increasingly proven that now today being a woman gives you many more advantages than being male. Everyone tries to play to your whims, doesn't want to offend you, you have a higher rate of getting specified office jobs with a male employer, and you can easily get men arrested/fired for "rape" that never occurred. There was a case "Brian Banks" was falsely accused and lost out on a large portion of his professional football career, 11 years total, before the accuser confessed to the lie. Why is everyone complaining about male privilege, white privilege, and other things, when today's society specifically panders towards woman, LGBTQ, and the radical left. This actually makes me angry.

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  • White privilege is real you cant test it because it an invisible construct you all are ignorant. White privilege is you coming over to a place colonizing it making laws that oppress other people that white privilege. Or a white man getting pulled or by the police he proceeds to yell at the officer and explains how his taxes pay for his job and how he gonna write a detailed letter to the commissioner vs a person of color being killed for pulling out their license. Or black people being lectured on black on black crime and how their kids are unruly thats why the district is well funded but hunter school is and he proceeds to shoot it up that white privilege

    • I am 100% White European and Proud and my results are that I have 0% withe privilege on the test. "White Privilege" doesn't exist! It's a made up term for the upper class to feel academically superior.

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  • I got 13% with a note saying "you don't have white privilege" guess what, neither did any of the other white kids I grew up with and lived next to have it either. The truth is and I know this is hard to swallow because the truth always hurts, WHITE PRIVILEGE IS A MYTH!!! It existed before I or most people were born unless they're like 65+ years old. Anyone who labels anyone with white privilege is a f---ing racist and they themselves are OVER PRIVILEGED AMERICANS.

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  • I got 50% lol. I’m a 35 year old Irish guy who grew up in a Hispanic Mostly city and I still live here. And being white here ( not easy ) but I don’t cry bout it, my choices dictate how I do. I don’t have money, but doing ok, years ago when I was struggling and needed a little help paying a gas bill, the mayor helps people pay everything from there bills to there rent, so I figured I really need help and for the 1st time I reached out for it instead of doing something stupid and end up in prison like I would have done in my teens and early 20’s. Well I was white, so I got a big NO. Next guy he talked to was a Cuban guy, he paid his hole back rent, 2 months. But I didn’t complain and blame everybody, I found another way, and worked harder so I would never have so ask for help again. No one in this county that makes the right choices should have a problem with anything they want to do. Might take longer and your gonna have to work hard but you will get where you want. I’m not where I want but I will get there as long as I keep doing what I’m doing. I wish it was just given to me cuz of the color of my skin like so many people think but it just don’t work like that. When I was poor it was my fault, now I’m ok not grate but I pay my bill with a tiny extra, cuz I put in the work and I will keep doing better cuz no matter what is thrown at me I will get to where I want. Nobody can stop you if you want something, only you can stop you.

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  • I am 100% White European and Proud and my results are that I have 0% withe privilege on the test. "White Privilege" doesn't exist. It's a made up term for the upper class to feel academically superior.

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  • leftist idiots, your boi is brown and apparently 58% white privileged.

    this white privilege is just a myth people made up to make themselves feel better about being purely and utterly incompetent

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  • As a black woman, my results of having a high level of privilege disturbs me. Yall need to take this quiz down or make a better one. This is unacceptable.

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  • So because I feel comfortable going anywhere, am not fearful of law enforcement/authorities, and have no problems talking to all types of people, I have 69% white privilege? I guess fitting in confidently into society is not oppressed enough for me to be the proud Latino I am. Thanks for wasting my time.

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  • Lol. I'm black from a black family and I got an 81% white privilege. What point are you trying to make here? You failed

    Girl here
    • I am 100% White European and Proud and my results are that I have 0% withe privilege on the test. "White Privilege" doesn't exist. It's a made up term for the upper class to feel academically superior.

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  • I got 15% and yet I'm a white girl who looks like a vampire, I'm so oppressed by society for not fitting in with the basic white people standards!

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  • Wow, I answered as truthfully as possible. I, the whitest German male ever, has 8% white privilege. I’m so oppressed😑

    • I am 100% White European and Proud and my results are that I have 0% withe privilege on the test. "White Privilege" doesn't exist. It's a made up term for the upper class to feel academically superior.

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  • I’m indian and I got 88% white privileged this is some leftist bulls--- quiz white privilege isn’t real I’m f---ing brown and somehow I’m “white privileged” wtf 😂

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  • I need to check my privilege apparently I am 100% white privileged please help me I am so racists and didn't even know it.

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  • I got a 75%...im from a rural area of Ecuador so it's nice to see how stupid this "test" is. White privilege doesn't exist

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  • How can I be 88% white privileged when I'm black?

    Yuh Mother
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  • hahaha. I'm an Asian / Native American mixed Male and apparently I'm also 69% White privileged. lmfao

    Shunso Noah
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  • I answered never for all of them and got 100%

    • IM SOUTHEAST ASIAN WITH 100 % white privilege this why I am conservative because of B.S like this

    • I am 100% White European and Proud and my results are that I have 0% withe privilege on the test. "White Privilege" doesn't exist. It's a made up term for the upper class to feel academically superior.

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  • lmao i’m not even white and i got 69% white privelage

    a lot of people see themselves as victims here

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