The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz The Ultimate How Fat are You Quiz - Very Accurate.
Really starting to get big, yep agreed
Underweight. Makes sense, I have anorexia but sometimes eat.
You claim to have anorexia and eat. Your name is Suicidal-teen. I think youre just an oh so special emo kid who faked depression because no one likes him. Hell, you probably draw cuts on your wrists
I got really starting to get big which is true I'm about 20 pounds overweight :(
I got overweight which is true
Really starting to get big.
Hooray yay yay -
honestly this test made me feel good about my body and i thank whoever made this for having a sense of humor <3
- me (Female)
Lyla1 -
Look, I get 87% perfect, but 70% way too underweight? Im 6ft2 and 209 pounds. I play rugby and have trained in Jujitsu for 2 years
Im obese, but I got overweight. Great. At least I seem like Im not 25 pounds over the average for my age.
I weight 6 stone and I my height is between 4ft8 and 5ft. Is my weight perfect for my height or not ? If you think its not then tell me why .
Aaisha1 -
Snuffs, you are extremely underweight. You should be around 110 m pounds.
meowzart1 -
I got close to overweight. Maybe I am. This quiz made me feel like crap. I don't think I want to eat anymore. I am 5'8" 119 pounds.
I think thats underweight
Lil hihi, if youre 11, and your height is 4'11" and you weigh 85 pounds youre a pretty average girl. My sister is skinnier than that and she does sports tho.
Kylene941 -
Close to overweight. Thank goodness! I thought my results would say I'm fat. (I guess my diet is working)
Perfect ya
This quiz is very innacurate lol. it said i am overweight because i answered that i eat alot. i am 4'10 and 85 pounds, so i dont think im fat, i just have a rather large apetite. based on my measurments, what do yall think?
Why is everyone on here either:
A. A kid with made up stats
B. Morbidly obese and loving it
C. Stick thin and wanting to lose -
Somehow I got obese. I mean I weigh 200lbs so maybe Ill be obese in the future
How tall are you? If youre 5 foot then 200 pounds would be fat. If you were 6 foot, then it wouldnt
Im 14 years old, 5'2 and 190 pounds. I think im fat but people tell me i look thick and around 140 or 130 pounds. Do i really seem fat?
I got close to overweight. I’m real life, I am a couple pounds overweight but I look pretty average
Oneonta1 -
Really starting to get big. I hate being fat-68 large rolls.
SoBig1 -
77% close to over weight? I'm 10. I weigh 133 pounds and it says I'm 'close' to over weight? I'm almost obese!
How tall are you? 133 is overweight for 5 foot, average for 5 foot 6 and underweight for 6 foot. Also you spell too well to be 10
i got very underweight and i should go and see a doctor but really i do NOT have an eating disorder i just seem fat
ellie121 -
Overweight . I don't feel fat at all;)
lmao reading these replies makes me feel like I'm gonna appear on my 600 lb life any day now like pls y'all are rocking it