No, I mean are you really a feminist? | Comments

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  • Your quiz results
    No, I mean are you really a feminist?
    Your Result: You are not really a feminist. 88%

    You think that women have been getting a bit uppity lately, and that really, they don't have it so bad, so why are they complaining? You think that a woman bears some responsibility if she ends up raped, and that abortion should come with a lot of strings attached--if it should be allowed at all.

    74% You are not a feminist.
    72% You are sort of a feminist.
    54% You are a feminist -- for the most part.
    44% You are a feminist in good standing.
    36% You are really a feminist.
    Um, Kay

  • Is the creator (a man) a feminist?
    I can't believe this! Would be a unicorn lol!


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