No, I mean are you really a feminist?

Are you a feminist? No, really -- when it comes right down to it, do you believe in equality? Or are you just mouthing along? Go ahead, take the quiz, and find out if you really are as good a feminist as you think you are.

Take this test to determine whether or not you really make the grade as a feminist. If you do well, great! If not, well, there's still hope for you, but I'd recommend actually treating women around you much nicer in the future.

Created by: Jeff Fecke of Blog of the Moderate Left
(your link here more info)

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Men are from ______, women are from _______.
  2. Men are scum.
  3. Are you a gender or equity feminist?
  4. How do you feel about Vox Day?
  5. A woman is partially responsible for being sexually assaulted if...
  6. Women have it hard, but they make things worse when they complain too much.
  7. Men are children, and should be treated as such.
  8. Education has become too feminized. Boys need rougher play time.
  9. Women don't like sex as much as men do.
  10. Evolutionary psychology gives us the real answers about what men and women are like.
  11. There is no such thing as a "rape culture."
  12. Differences between the pay of men and women can mostly be attributed to different choices that men and women make.
  13. Abortion should be legal...

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Quiz topic: No, I mean am I really a feminist?