(Girls only) Which Vampire Knight character are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz (Girls only) Which Vampire Knight character are you?
I love Vampire Knight!!! I wish that season 3 was out. :,(
I also love that Yuki and Kaname are together! Oh and I heard that Zero ends up it Maria(or whatever her name was that Zero's brother was with when Shezuka took over her body).
Yuki,I do find myself very self reliant and defensive over my beliefs and freedom. I also am brave mentally and physically and have a semi crush on zero lol. Cool quiz anyways mate.
I got Yuki I never even heard of Vampire Knight
I got Yuki and yeah that does mean I will end up with Kaname but I am okay with it
I got Yuki! yay! but that means i end up with Kaname...ew. I wish there was a character that ends up with Zero
this is the best i just got yuki and i love vampire knight oh and spoiler alert kaname dies and yuki ends up with zero and then zero dies and yuki sacrifices her life to make kaname human
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