Are you a baby,a child,a teenager,or an adult inside? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a baby,a child,a teenager,or an adult inside?

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  • You are 70%% a... 70%

    you are a teenager inside hopefully you become older during the rest of your life and that you are not a teenager your whole life

    • That's good igot good but I think I done better

      You are 14%% a... 14%

      you are a baby inside hopefully you become older during the rest of your life and that you are not a baby your whole life.

      Becos I'm 15 and I think your older then me that why you got better me

  • You are 39%

    you are a child inside hopefully you become older during the rest of your life and that you are not a child your whole life. Not going to happen . I lie being a child inside of me

    little foxy
  • you are a baby inside hopefully you become older during the rest of your life and that you are not a baby your whole life. Not going to happen. I like being a baby inside of me

    little foxy

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