How Good is Your Warriors OC? | Comments

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  • Name: Mistystorm
    Rank: Warrior
    Clan: SnowClan

    Appearance: Small silver and white tabby she-cat with ice blue eyes, a very fluffy tail and a beautiful face.

    Personality: Funny, loyal, strong, courageous and can be a little sassy or harsh, but still has a kind heart.

    Story: Her mother, Smokewhisker and her father Tigerstripe raised her with her littermates, Hazelkit and Mothkit. As a kit, Mistykit was annoying but nice and energetic. Her first friends were Vinepaw and Ivypaw, both 5 moons older than her. Vinepaw and Ivypaw became Vinefoot and Ivyclaw, while she was still a 6 moons kit. Vinefoot was her mentor, making her so happy. Mistypaw grew close to Hailpaw, and was so sad when Hailpaw died, killed by a Thunderclan cat. When Mistypaw had her warrior ceremony, she was given the name of Mistystorm, as a reminder that she born in a terrible storm and survived it anyways. Mistystorm and Vinefoot became mates, and Ivyclaw and Wolfwind too. Ivyclaw was exiled for no reason, making Mistystorm following her to bring her back home behind Flamestar's back. Ivyclaw had abandoned her, going back to Snowclan and leaving her alone in the wild to live as a rogue. She started to train in the Dark Forest for revenge and learned that they had planned everything, for her to be exiled and never come back. She died sadly and went in the Dark Forest forever with her real family. Mistystorm took the spirit of an innocent kit, Mistykit. She had every single pawstep and words controlled, and when she became Mistypaw again, she fell in love with Rainpaw, who Flamestar's spoiled and selfish daughter, Berrypaw liked too. One night, Rainpaw told them that he liked Mistypaw, making Berrypaw mad. Berrypaw dragged Mistypaw too the waterfall cave, and threw herself in an abyss filled with ledges. Berrypaw lived because Mistypaw's only brother, Hawkpaw, saved her life for his. When Mistypaw went down to help them, Berrypaw killed her, biting her neck. Flamestar didn't do anything to help her, a

  • Name: Snakestalker
    Gender: she-cat

    Appearance: Brown with black legs, jaw and tip of her tail, tan ears and muzzle, and bright green eyes

    Personality: Secretive, keeps to herself, but sweet and caring once you get to know her. She can be snappy at times.

    Story: ok I hope this sums it up. As a kit her mother was killed in front of her, leaving her in grief. She takes it out on her Sister, Swiftpaw. Their brother Bristlepaw has to stop the fights. Snakepaw becomes a warrior named Snakestalker because on her final assessment she catches an adder (Like Ravenpaw). Her littermates get the names Swiftwind and Bristleclaw. As a warrior, she goes to help a family of rouges hunt and fight. Two parents named Dice and Sparky, and their three kits, Streak, Flutter and Claw. As a TunnelClan patrol comes, including Swiftwind and her apprentice, Echopaw. They think Dice and Sparky kidnapped her and Snakestalker was only taking pity on them because they had kits. They kill Dice, Sparky and Flutter. And the patrol forces her to leave Claw and Streak. (Btw ik Claw has an emo name, he came from a roleplay. Actually so did Snakestalker and Swiftwind XD) so as moons pass, Swiftwind and Snakestalker's fights are now physical. And Snakestalker is in a half-clan relationship with a MarshClan cat named Newttail. When she is expecting half-clan kits, TunnelClan exiles her and MarshClan rejects her, she goes to roam the streets of Twolegplace. (Btw there are two other clans. BrookClan and CavernClan) She runs into two rouges named Fox and Slate, and they bring them to their leader. Their leader is Claw, wow who knew. Oh btw forgot to mention, the medicine cat apprentice, Gorsetuft, received a prophecy from StarClan in the prologue. The snakes fangs will be strong enough to defeat the Claws of Blood. Yeah. Anyways this non-canon BloodClan is called The Tribe of Blood. And she has four kits. One dies and she named him Ginger after her mother. The two she-cats she named Fluffle and Myrtle, and t

  • 69% Well made!
    Name: Duskstar
    Gender: Female/She-cat
    Clan: Riverclan :)
    Age: 58 moons (About 4.8 years)

    Personality: Confident,Sure of themselves,Compulsive,Loud,Usually does what she's told

    Likes: Rain, Shiny pebbles she finds in the shallow parts of the lake,Fish

    Dislikes: Small spaces, Lizards, Cold days,Those who don't take her seriously

    Appearance: Duskstar is a small,lithe, Blue-grey she-cat with large, round amber and blue eyes, she has strong back legs, and usually has a very clean pelt, She has darker coloured paws, ears, muzzle, and tailstripes. She has a lighter underbelly, and a somewhat small face.

  • I got 71%! My OC is Lightningsplash, a she-cat in one prophecy! She is a warrior of ThunderClan, and lost a few beloved cats on the way of her life. She is fierce, loyal, and good-natured! Only 75% done with her though, so good results!

    Red Moon Night
  • Name: Flowersky
    Gender: she-cat
    Age: dunno (haven't really thought about it)
    Clan: Thunderclan
    Rank: Medicine cat

    Personality: kind,caring,brave,loyal, respectful (kinda motherly figure)

    Likes: flowers, her best friend, helping others,kits/Apprentices

    Dislikes: Being wet,dogs,disrespectful/ mean cats,failing,

    Appearance: sandy brown fur, green eyes, has a flower at her ear (accessorie),slim,not that fluffy fur,

    Score: 82%

  • Name: Zephyrpaw/dream
    Gender: She-cat/Female
    Clan: MistClan (OC Clan)
    Age: 9 moons
    Rank: Apprentice (Will live to be Deputy)

    Appearance: Light blue/gray tones with some tan and white marbled rosettes. Long, silky fur. Long tail. Long, slim legs. Slim, Lethe build. One sky blue eye and one light green eye. On the smaller side but not tiny.

    Personality: Friendly, kind, bouncy. Has anxiety but does a good job fighting it, although she does get anxiety attacks sometimes. She is very spirited though, and goes to trouble to make sure everyone is happy and doing good in her Clan. She can be a bit stubborn too, and sometimes doesnt know the meaning of no. But when needed, she can step up and take the lead, and is good at it when she gets the chance.

    Physical traits: Agile, Lethe, fast, great at climbing trees. She is not, however, very strong, so fighting is not one of her specialties. The prey that is easiest to catch for her are squirrels and birds because she can leap very far and high. She can sometimes snatch squirrels out of their nests if she is having a good hunting and stalking day.

    Mom: Pasturebreeze
    Dad: Strikestorm
    Sister(s): Blossomkit(dead)
    Brother(s): Verdantpaw, Cyngetpaw
    Best friend: Briopaw(She-cat)

    Secret crush: Fangedpaw(Tom)(Hes rude and hot-headed but really hot, and half the apprentices are chasing after him.), Dashingpaw(Tom), Briskpaw(Tom), Flarepaw(She-cat), Verdantpaw(Tom/brother), Quellpaw(She-cat), Briopaw(she-cat).

    (There are a lot of apprentices in MistClan)
    Mentor: Ashenspring(Tom)
    Family info:

    Pasturebreeze: Kind, calm, motherly. Light gray with blue/gray rosettes. Green eyes.

    Strikestorm: Protective, stubborn, nice. Torbie with amber eyes.

    Verdantpaw/Flame: Loyal, brave, strong. Ginger tabby with brown patches. One green eye, one amber eye.

    Cyngetpaw/Feather: Gentle, introverted, organized. (Also a gay Medicine Cat Apprentice.) White with tan rosettes. Blue eyes.

    Future relationships:
    Mate: Dashingthunder (Formerly Dash

  • Name:Lightningblaze (star)
    Clan: thunderclan
    Age:45 moons
    Rank history: kit, apprentice, leader, deputy

    Personality: tough, stern, loving of those who he gets along with, no mercy in battle (which is a bit of a problem), extremely loyal, has very strong opinions on everything, even when he has nothing to do with it. He is headstrong and will do things without thinking.

    He loves mice and voles, not really into other food (so basically very fussy), he loves sleep and hates it when he is woken up for dawn patrol.

    Looks like: light grey with white chin, black lines on belly and forehead. Blueish-grey tail and socks. Dark green eyes that if he stares at you it makes your hackles lift in fear and you will faint if you dont have enough will power to stay awake.

    Backstory (brief): mother died giving birth to him, father waited until giving him name. Got his name by being struck by lightning as a kit, he technically died but his mother sent him back despite firestars protests. The dark forest rises, he meets a cat named aurburntail, she is from WindClan. They fight at first but then fall in love. They start seeing each other in secret but then lightningblaze said that he couldnt continue so she joins thunderclan. They have kits named risingkit and fallingkit, the leader of the dark forest (named darkforest, basically the dark forest scaled down and in the shape of a cat) arrives and takes over half the lake. Fallingpaw is captured by them and then is convinced to join them. Risingfire and fallingstripe get their warrior names. Lightningblaze becomes deputy, the dark forest attacks thunderclan and kills whitestar. Lightningblaze becomes lightningstar. Fallingstripe slaughters alongside the dark forest when they attack again. Risingfire and Lightningblaze are both distraught at the thought of fallingstripe betraying them.

    Thunderclan allies with the other clans and attacks the island (where the dark forest is camping) and fallingstripe kills his previously best frie

  • My oc is Ashshade a gray and black splotch over right eye riverclan shecat with brown eyes and a scarred muzzle and left eye.she life's with her mom dad and 6 sibs in riverclan becomes deputy after her mom and dad retire and died as deputy at the age of 78 moons by a Boulder falling on her breaking her neck had 2 kits Snakekit(fang) and Fawnkit(spots)with the windclan med Greenleaf.Fawnspots went crazy after her mate died from sickness and blamed her brother who was the med at the time and killed the leader (Willowstar)and her father.

    Molly June
    • Oops forgot something She likes stars swimming and hunting at night personality is feisty playful with a hot temper and a good heart🥰my score 71

      Molly June
    • I'm just Trying to see how good my friends oc is btw I can't wait to tell her the score

      Molly June
  • his name is Burntceder. he is 39 moons old, his left front leg is completetly burnt and has a bad limp. he was a loner, he had a mate, his old name was snow'leopard. he had 3 kits.a few moons after his kits were born, there was a fire, he tried to save his kits an mate 2 out of 3 kits died and his mate died too, he get dreams from starclan, he later joined windclan where he is currently living with his new mate and 2 kits <3

  • Name swiftcurrent
    Clan thorn clan
    Age 42 moons
    She cat

    Rank history apprentice warrior deputy then death

    Personality feisty brave a tiny cat about the size of a apprentice when they are about halfway through training can take down a cat twice her size short tempered will kill a cat who wronged her loyal to her clan NOT starclan cant change her opinion

    She loves a good meaty thrush and also likes twoleg scraps likes to be the centre of attention

    Looks like a silver tabby cat with sparkling green eyes she has a white underbelly and as an apprentice her tail got cut off so she has a really little fuzzy one

    History as a kit lived in a twoleg den then her father thorn evil catcame and took he she soon realized that this is her father she got a very strong connection to him then one day he died she got attacked and was forced out of the twoleg place (she was basically royalty and that is why) she joins thornclan following her fathers dieing wish that she destroys the clans she becomes an apprentice and when patrolling meets a rouge his name is talon they instantly click and meet in secret he later joins thornclan and they become warrrior together she starts training in the dark forest so does talon who is now goldentalon she becomes deputy after she killls her leader no one knows this but her the dark forest stacks and she fights beside them they find out that she is loyal to the dark forest and is forced to leave her clan she finds some on a Patrol and fights them she kills one a warrrior she goes on killing cats in her former clan until she is finally slain by three cars together she lives now in the dark forest training young cats and still killing clanmates

    Swift star 7411
  • Oh i forgot!

    She She has light green eyes, and a yellow stripe from her nose to her back and the stripe turns into a completely yellow tail.

  • Name: Snowfern
    Gender: She-cat
    Clan: RiverClan.
    Age: 23 moons (approx. 2 moons)
    Rank: Warrior

    Personality: Introverted and quiet, doesn't like drama or drawing attention.

    Likes: Cool weather, Gatherings, gossiping with apprentices and elders.

    Dislikes: Any in-Clan fighting, small spaces, drama.

    Appearance: Snowfern is a short-limbed, skinny white she-cat with large, green eyes. She has big, fur-tipped ears and small teeth.

    Her pelt is usually kempt and sleek, but very matted and ruffled after any fighting.

    Score: 80%. Better than for what I was hoping for, fine by me.

  • Shinestar
    Gender: Female

    Appearance: light gray with EXTREMELY light yellow eyes long fur

    In one prophesy: when all is bleak, one star will shine brighter than the others and light up the forest

  • mine is called Soggypebble (more commonly soggypaw)! his whole thing is that he is always wet, in the "my hairs not soaked but not dry" stage. he's kinda just a guy, he had his gayfriend (THEY INSIST THEY ARENT TOGETHER BUT VERY MUCH ACT LIKE IT) Stormstreak. and yeah, he's not too good, makes fun of cats who are injured, kits, that kinda stuff, but he's not like ... TIGERCLAW or smth

    garlic bread
    • some edits! soggypebble is from a made up clan, rainy clan, and all their names have smth related to water! he's just a regular, warm brown tabby aswell. ask any questions for him I'm happy to info dump 😋

      garlic bread
  • Name:
    Gender: She-cat
    Color: Silver tabby, blue eyes
    Names: Quailkit, Quailpaw, Quailwillow
    Mate: Darkwhisker
    Daught er: Breezebird
    Sons: Blackfang, Hareleap, Cricketface

  • sorry, I accidentally messed things up like amp; instead of and, etc. (;

  • my oc isn't a warrior cats oc but it was close enough so I used this

    it was very enjoyable

  • Guess what number I got.... 69%

  • arch is basically my lil miscreant lowlife lmao

  • How developer is your oc

  • www

  • Woodedstep! He my real cat. Named McGoo and he is 86% well made! (He fat)

  • Do any toms wanna be my mate

    Swift star 7411
  • Bro- I got a 69% like- I'm so unmature and I'm trying not to laugh :,)


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