What Type of Anime-Fan are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Type of Anime-Fan are you?

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  • Sorry, but I rated your quiz 1 star out of 10 stars. Below are the reasons:

    1. Actually, you have good opening paragraph and questions, but they are worsen by the other reasons.

    2. The results aren't relative, has no connectivity to the quiz.

    3. You didn't put English in the end, instead Japanese. Besides, your Japanese isn't right.

    4. You put rude sentence in the result screen that lowered your quiz rating.

    Sorry, but this quiz is NOT worth taken.

  • Okay, I have some stuff to rant about this quiz. It has said I am "casual". Which makes no sense, bc FYI I have seen about 78 animes and I had just started 3 months ago, and have read like 30 mangas, and bought them TWICE. Not to mention, my room is basically filled with anime. Yet, I am somehow "casual" and somehow just watches "5 animes". Sorry, but this quiz just wastes your time, so I rate this quiz 1/10.

  • You started off very well. Your questions were well thought out and overall good. But the results didn't match the answers and heart of the person taking the quiz. Not only that but it was based on a biased perspective instead of critical and objective one, resulting in a very inaccurate result.

    I'm a hardcore anime fan who loves it will all her heart and therefore gave her all for this quiz. While on the other hand you, instead of giving it your all to analyze critically the answers in order to come up with competent and logical result, you were biased and very disrespectful with your word choice.

    And FYI, I have seen 85 animes COMPLETE, and that is not counting the many I am seeing right now. So no I haven't seen only 5 animes. I have also been an anime fan for 7 years straight so you might want to actually think your answers through before talking s---.

  • What are you serious I've watched like 60 over animes and they gave me casual *you've probably only watched five animes* like hello

  • i'm really sad i actrully love anime and it says i just casual, anyway POKEMON IS THE BEST ANIME EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! xd


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