How will I die? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How will I die?
mmm, I'll Be Dyin Of A Damn Illness.
Welp, That Sucks I Guess...If This Way True And Everything.
Retare d Quizes.
K-lee<3KayNDee1 -
wow im gonna die in a car accident it better than dyin alone i suppose! and i aint gonna be long takin my car tests either. im gonna be dead n gone in march 2060
Wow, i never knew i'd save someone for my own life, i must be a giving person. jk. i ain't.
haha saving sum1
idk what to say seens how i've gotton two answers,car accident twice and nucleur something once,o well,i still like it!
I will die in a car accident, let's see if it's true
this website is cool
fred83841 -
this website is cool
fred83841 -
i will die saving someone's life.... i like people.....COULD THIS HAPPEN?!?
How do you die from boredom? Tell me that
im going to die in a nuclear holocaust
Doctor1 -
Im going to die having sex lol
crisjako1 -
Havin sex is awesome
sabink_21 -
How the Hell do u die while having sex?
Snowfate1 -
all you people getting mad at the quiz...its title tips you off, so it's your own fault if you were insulted
Im gonna die in my sleep... hmm. strange, if i had a choice,i'd want to die in sleep. i figure not much pain..
Ima die while saving someones lifeee!!!!! WOOOOOOOO!!! ima hero!!! hehhh ill make sure ill tell ya peeps what happens when i die hahahah!
kimxjade1 -
I will die in my sleep.
Kalhas1 -
im gonna die in a car accident:p
I got i died from s3x idk how you d!3 From that and i dont wanna know ;-;
hhifffe1 -
i will die getting some dumb sickness from one of my friends
I'll die in a car crash, but what if I don't drive or ride in cars?
Hecker1 -