Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions).
I got 82% hufflepuff and 82% ravenclaw. I’ve been stuck in what house I’m in for months and I don’t want to be a ravenpuff! Rip me
bramble1 -
Ravenclaw4eva u would kys tho
HUFFLEPUFF 5%ml4ra1 -
Your Result: GRYFFINDOR! 72%
HufflePuff :3
LokiCat1 -
Absolutely: Mostly Slytherin followed closely by Ravenclaw. Exactly me.
Yes! I'm a fellow snake! High five! :D
Quién intercambia pack por pack (solo mujeres )
Wili1 -
got 72% slytherin and 72% hufflepuff... yeah not sure what that means other than I'm the nicest b---- lmfao (those two were the highest out of the 4)
Cool ! Gryffindor !
82 Slytherin ¡Wow! Yo pensando q era Huffelpuff xd.
Camixxx1 -
I am a Ravenclaw, a smart one. if you want figure out how smart you are, I found this quiz:[no urls]
70% Slytherin, 66% Ravenclaw, 60% Gryffindor and 48% Hufflepuff
Xdcaf1 -
91% gryffindor
65% slytherin
28% hufflepuff
24% RavenclawAs it should be!!!!!! i am very happy with my results i always knew i was a mix between a gryffindor and a slytherin good to know im 91% gryffindor lol
I guses I am an Enemy with Maldon well I all ready am I hate him not for real we just act
PS51 -
I got 84 in slytherin and 84 in gryffindor 50 in hufflepuff and 24 ravelclaw idrk what house id be in since it literally tied tho
Yeahhhh1 -
Gryfindor, and I hate the fact that everyone hate gryfindors now
I got 70% Slytherin and 68% Gryffindor just like I thought. (58% ravenclaw & 42% hufflepuff)
83% slytherin, 55% ravenclaw, 34% hufflepuff, 28% gryffindor. Ambitious yet creative :)
Margaux1 -
uuuuuh it says im slytherin but i got 76% for both slytherin and gryffindor
extra weird considering id always thought im more of a hufflepuff or ravenclaw but i only got 50% for ravenclaw and 40% for hufflepuff
ayo, I got all my favorite houses in order
1. Ravenclaw-- 90%
2. Hufflepuff-- 39%
3. Slytherin-- 20%
4. Gryffindor-- 17%
guess I'm a really strong Ravenclaw, huhsock1-
There was originaly a 5th house for the infertile. I wish I'd kept it cos you'd be right at home in adoptodore
joe biden is a hufflepuff
Ravenclaw! Yay! Not to brag, or anything but I don't think my teacher has ever called me out for having bad grades before...
shut up whore
ew slimey goop on my hand gptta go wash my hanfs
I am a Hufflepuff!
Jordi El nino is my harry potter, fcuk off Radcliffe
back fowl beast!
Why the exclamation mark
I got Slytherin! (I got it on the official quiz as well) i guess im just boop noodle
suicide is when you kill yourself kid
what.. hmm. HTE f--- IS A BOOP NOODLE >(