The Fat Quiz: How Fat Are You?? | Comments

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  • it said i was anorexic.
    i think i may actually be bulimic.

    i have been in denial for awhile, but lately i had a pregnancy scare, and thought i should look into whether or not i am fer sure for the sake of my baby. the more and more i read, the more i realize i need to change. and that this is actually pretty serious. ive been thinking about what all has happened to me since i started making myself sick, and everything adds up. i am sooo scared to eat all day. that is all i think about. i think about it soo much that i make myself ridiculously hungry. then i binge, and pukrge every little thing up. and i convince myself that there is still something in my stomach even though i am puking up stomach acid; so i take laxatives. and i take a ridiculous amount every night before i go to bed. so much i sometimes get sick, and have to take more.

    ive been researching this stuff, and it all explains why my stomach is instantly bloated after eating nearly nothing, why my heart frequently skips

  • The funny things is that I am 13 and I weigh 9st which isn’t great but ohwel my fat bangs over my pants and being fat s awesome because your softer my belly is huge I have stretch marks everywhere literally everywhere

  • Your Result: Tubby Bubby 79%

    You eat a little too much, don't exercise enough, and are a little spoiled, you are not fat, but are not skinny.You are kinda fatish-average. so you are Tubby Bubby.

    It's true I eat too much and exercise sucks but I love the feeling when my belly is so full and jiggly ^-^

  • The Fat Quiz: How Fat Are You??
    Your Result: anorexic Friek

    All you care about is your weight. You see yourself as fat, even if you are not. You might have a eating disorder, but you don't eat and always count calories.

    Tubby Bubby

  • The Fat Quiz: How Fat Are You??
    Your Result: healthy

    You probably work out and you know when not to eat too much. You aren't a anorexic freak though. I would say this is the healthiest option of all of these.

    anorexic Friek
    Tubby Bubby

  • Never, and I repeat, NEVER! Call an anorexic person a freak. They can't control their mental disorder and it's not their fault.

    And yay I'm healthy!

  • I'm 12 and 85 pounds and I don't know if I'm anorexic or not it's really hard to tell to myself I think I need to gain more weight but outher people say I'm good or I'm to skinny help

  • Your Result: healthy

    You probably work out and you know when not to eat too much. You aren't a anorexic freak though. I would say this is the healthiest option of all of these.

    coool!! !!!! I like his quiz :P

    girl of diamonds
  • every pair of pants i got 4 christmas dosent fit any more and im so fat im sweating like a pig as im writing this if anyone can offer any tips on how 2 lose weight it would b great thx. :) (im going out for maccas right now ill come back and weigh myself and tell u how much i gained.

  • I'm 32 and about 300 punds!!!!!! I love my body the way it is, theres just more to love! You can probably giess what i got on the quiz:D I am hoping to reach 700 pounds by 2015!! Im huuuuuuuuge and i looooooove it. I get an excuse for doing nohing all day and have the freedom eating whatever i want whenever i want!

  • i got anorexic...may be accurate

    people say that i'm as skinny as a beanpole (not literally, but i'm still skinny), yet i still think i'm fat. i eat, though, like normal, i just exercise a whole lot

  • It said I'm a tubby bubby and that I'm spoiled. And I eat a lil 2 much... But I don't eat a lot and def not spoiled... I'll be 14 in Jan. Ima boy and I'm 5.1 I weigh 105... Idk if it's fat but I still look a lil chubby... Like my stomach does and my face a lil. Am I fat? What do I do? I stress about my weight a lot

  • The Fat Quiz: How Fat Are You??
    Your Result: Tubby Bubby

    You eat a little too much, don't exercise enough, and are a little spoiled, you are not fat, but are not skinny.You are kinda fatish-average. so you are Tubby Bubby.

    174cm, 66kg (145lbs)

  • im 11 4'8 and i weigh 64.5 pounds. i am active and stuff but i fell fat... when i look in the mirror i see fat! people tell me im skinny but all i see is fat. i have lost 4 pounds in two days and this has been going on for two weeks but however much weight i loose i still seefat... :( am i fat?!?!?!

  • i got healthy and every pants i wear dont fit me they are the correct length but tooo big for me so i alwayz need a belt :P...and it dosent matter if your fat or not u can be fat and really healthy! the way u look is because of your metabolism and how fast it is seriously...the owned has a problem with chubby people...and shouldent put in the question how much do u weigh because muscel weighs way more than fat and a lot of people have muscel more than fat (like me :P) so u weigh more than u usually should!

  • i 92 percent fat ass and i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i eat about 18 candy bars a day have the BIGGEST belly ever and my mom has to make clothes for me im so fat i cant fit xxl at the local store i eat mcdonalds every day and this is my daily routuine

    get up
    eat a bit more

    and finally EAT till ive gained to be not be able to see anything but my belly!

  • Wow. I'm an anorexic freak.

    twisted mirror
  • i think i am fat but ya know, im just a freik so, what ev... i play basketball 7/7 days a week

    im only 5'2 and i weigh 83 pounds, my cusin is my height but she is 135.

    all my friends call me thin and talk about it, my friends little sister can pick me up!!!

  • i got a gud answer,
    but actually im close to anerexic,
    my docters tell me im under weight,
    i hardely ever eat healthy,
    but i do sumtimes,
    y eat veggies thou?

    sumtimes i have those days wher i look at myself an think im fat then i have the days that go y cant i put on weight?

  • all we care about is are image!why don't we care about more important things like the world we live in what are u going to do when dooms day comes put on make-up just to die!!!! stop caring about the ratings that people give u u are u no matter what!!!!!!

  • all we care about is are image!why don't we care about more important things like the world we live in what are u going to do when dooms day comes put on make-up just to die!!!! stop caring about the ratings that people give u u are u no matter what!!!!!!

  • omg lucky u im 12 5 foot and 189lb and gaining without knowing i gaind 40lb in 2 weeks. im gonna be freaking obese when i get older and ill probably be 200lb im like 4 months.

  • oh well thats nice, it called me a "friek"and anorexic, which i suppose is partially true cuz i was bulimic, but I overcame it :) but now i really am fat, like i weigh 122 pounds, it's very gross

  • um, somewhat decent quiz part, results are just offensive. One star. Bad quiz

  • Dude, people always say I'm so skinny when I eat a lot, but they call me anorexic. I don't get it! But I don't eat like a pig. lol


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