Am I Getting Too Fat? | Comments

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  • Your Result: Morbidly Obese 93%

    You feed your girl until she is ready to explode. You love to get lost in her ultimate fatness and give her a belly rub. You love it when her stomach slips over her pants!

    Your Resul

    Sws 2215
  • Am I Getting Too Fat?
    Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 98%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.

    0% You Are Fine
    0% You Need to

    Sws 221
  • Am I Getting Too Fat?
    Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.

    You Are Fine
    You Need

  • You Need To Lose Weight

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin

    Sws 2215t
  • Your Result: Obese 90%

    You got Obese. You are seriously fat and its likely that losing weight may be nearly impossible. Physical Activity must be very challenging for you. You are unable to do many things others do with ease. Please seek a doctor for help or else you will keep getting fatter

    Sws 221
  • Too Fat?
    Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin

    Sws 221
  • Result: You Need To Lose Weight 91%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin

  • Result: You Need To Lose Weight 91%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin

  • Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 97%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.

    Yes! I am fat! And Im proud!

  • Too Fat?
    Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 91%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin

    Shayne W Shay
  • Am I Getting Too Fat?
    Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 88%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.

    7% You Are Fine
    0% You Need to

    Shayne W Shay
  • Your Result: You Need To Lose Weight 98%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.

    0% You Are Fine
    0% You

  • You Need To Lose Weight 98%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin.

    0% You Are Fine

  • You Need To Lose Weight 95%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while, but soon you will be on your way to being thin

    Sws 221
  • Do you think im fat if i am 12 years old and 8st 11lbs? My parents have put me on a strict diet of 2 meals a day. My friends like to call me fatty and podge-podge. I have 3 belly rolls when i sit down. My bmi says im overweight/obese.

    • I think you are overweight but if u feel like you are happy and want to gain more then go ahead! Im 15 yo and i weigh just over 200bs, and i love the way my stomach folds over the top of my jeans and the feeling of warmth when my stomach curls into 5 or 6 massive fat rolls. I like it when u r in public and a button pops and your stomach seeps out but you just keep walking, aware that everyone is staring at your massive belly as it flops about in its fatty glory. If u wanna be fat be fat and see how long it takes u to not be able to get your hands around your stomach! Im so close to not being able to touch them and im proud! My friemds like to touch my belly and jiggle it, so i let them. Its really cool when they do that. I domt have to do pe either. Best experience is the fat experience!

    • Your not fat I'm 13 5,10 and weigh 210 pounds you are fine the way you are.

    • I dream of being 2000 pounds and beating the highest weight. I hope all my buttons and zippers pop soon and that I get a huge muffin top and that soon I cant walk.

      obese olivia
    • I am 60LBS

  • NeeDd To Lose Weight 88%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while

  • You NeeDd To Lose Weight 88%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a while

  • You Need To Lose Weight 94%

    You are too fat. You need to consider going on a diet to start losing weight. If you don't, you will only get fatter. So, just eat healthier and exercise regularly. It could take a whil

  • teen?
    Your Result: Your obese

    You are extremally fat and need to start losing weight now before you could have something bad happen. You have a very high risk for health problems like hear

  • you are 92% fat! 92%

    FAT! F-A-T! Lose like, 100lbs! You're unhealthy atrocious score was too high. A size XL is like a speedo shirt on you. A calorie counting app will really help.

  • got a 90% on youre estimated fat 90%

    you are extremely overweight and if you dont make a immediate change you will surely die within the next 3 years so please head my warning and STOP EATING SOO MUCH, WORK OUT 3 HOURS A DAY, EAT HEALTHY and hopefully come out

  • It said that I have to lose weight. I am just 143 5'6, my weight is normal, I am slightly chubby and near to becoming overweight but I am not fat, I am not even chubby.

    General Kenobi
  • I got 85%

    I am a big girl and all my friends love to pick on me and touch my belly because it jiggles. I've got a muffin top that I hate. My ex boyfriend loves my love handles

  • I am 98% fat. I want to get so much fatter. I am thinking of becoming a gainer

    Dreaming bug
  • I got 98% fat. I have a big belly and its getting bigger every day.

    Its so cool when I jiggle and my friends make fun of my big belly when we go to the beach.

    • Your friends make fun maybe you should feel ashamed

      Chubby girl

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