What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
yes i DO call soda 'pop' but really...? wtf? haha MY QUIZ IS BETTER! it has nothing to do with accents, but... lol http://www.gotoquiz .com/results/is_he_ the_right_one_for_y ou
I was indland north cool! I have a acsent from a different place than where i live.
Not even close! I got West and I'm from Boston, born and bred!
relita1 -
I Have A Minland Accent. It Toatly Screwed Up My Location. Im In NY!!!!!
I'm from the deep south and It stated North East for me.
sarahah1 -
dead on this dudes stalking me
This quiz was right on the money for me!
Good job!Lustre291 -
It says I'm from the midlands, or the south...I from the north, way north! Near canada!
your test was completly wrong.I am a Bostonian.
mss1 -
im from jersey and it says i have a new yorker accent that bull
kilcliff1 -
im from delco pa, like 10 mins from philadelphia, and i got a "philadelhia" accent for my answers...guess this thing is sorta accurate LOL
im "the west" what a popular quiz!
i from australia n i got a west accent, wat does a west accent even sound like??? i have a strong aussie accent most of the time. :D
Ree_Ree1 -
go 2 da what hairstyle should u try quiz!its funny!
well i was born in ny grew up in ma and now i live in so cal and the quiz said i had no accent (west coast) lol
Inland North All the way!
Sye2161 -
I am from North Dakota and it was right on that I have the North Central Accent. Hee Hee
Philly all the way!! My quiz was right on the money!
goeagles1 -
Awesome quiz, apparently I have a 100% Midland accent. And given that I'm from NE Ohio, I'd say that's pretty spot on.
I got the west 92% as my accent I used to live in north texas, and I moved to new york I have been in ny for 5 months
Wow... it guessed my state!!
95% Midland, 92% West
Kaiya1 -
North Centeral? Really? I'm......I'm....... .Surprised.
Nice quizz! I got midlands! =)