If You Woke Up As a Girl Quiz. | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz If You Woke Up As a Girl Quiz.
Good quiz but plz improve ur English.
Dhwani1 -
Good quiz
88% loved the experiance but i knew i wouldve got a high rating any way because im a female trying to get out a male body
was easy for me to answer as had that dream many times
Femme171 -
98 percent all girl I'd love waking up a girl
I knew I was 100%.
Love it and want to be a girl
Why I took this when I know I'm a girly an I love cock
Es maravilloso algunas veces he dormido con hilo sosten y media se duerme fabuloso pero es un lastima q no sea para siempre q mgico seria despertar siendo una hembra
I'm a girl yaaa
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