In your after life will you be an animal and which? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz In your after life will you be an animal and which?
aaaw cute quiz!! In your after life will you be an animal and which?
Your Result: Your a Fawn Called Dot, Girl
Your a shy fawn, but you have lots of friends to pull you through tight and bad situations and always gives everyone a fair share. You like to follow others lead and play around in tall grass. You will have a fawn called dash and you will die of a unknown cause.
ocean1 -
Your Result: Your a Fawn Called Dot, Girl
Your a shy fawn, but you have lots of friends to pull you through tight and bad situations and always gives everyone a fair share. You like to follow others lead and play around in tall grass. You will have a fawn called dash and you will die of a unknown cause.
Your Result: Your a Fawn Called Dot, Girl
Your a shy fawn, but you have lots of friends to pull you through tight and bad situations and always gives everyone a fair share. You like to follow others lead and play around in tall grass. You will have a fawn called dash and you will die of a unknown cause.
I can say well yeah, But I love blue-eyed huskies right now and I think it goes pretty nicely. Though I have to say now Erik is my most favorite name and I will probably use it for other stuff. I just love the name but I really like the character Erik from if you know what.
Wolfluv1 -
Girl named silverflare,wolf,very introverted and a loner likes to keep to themselves alot and rarely has friends. Yeah that's me basically. That's the way I like it to. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife1 -
>:) Ima wolf I am a loner at times but I do have 4 close friends My persanality is a mix of many things. Ive been called insane' and I know I am. But there is a boy dat I lik and I'm pritty sure he liks me too but we don' t havethe 'guts' to ask eachother out XP Yup dats me
I'm Hamilton the hare
I don't even have to take it, I already know what animal I AM. A Wolf, of course. (:
Great quiz!
I am a husky called erik you saw that from a movie didn't you.
Gligor1 -
A wolf? Cool!
i'm a wolf! good quiz, the result was just like me:)
i am a hare wich sort of matches my personality i give this 10 out of 10
lukecjf1 -
Imma fawn
Lil hihi1 -
a fawn called dot! nice quiz!!!!!!!! i love it, keep it up!
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