What Is Your Best Sport? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What Is Your Best Sport?
You need to add volleyball and other sports!! If you have cup stacking then you need other sports that people normally play but overall it was a good quiz (if it had more sports!)
Got cup stacking like wtf!?seriously I used to play soccer and recently quit I would like to take up some type of martial art but each one I try I find them too rough
U need to add more sports like gymnastics and cheer leading and dance becuz I'm better at those than dodgeball
Please help if you have any suggestions thanks
i am the creator of the quiz. glad u people like. I WILL CHANGE IT AND ADD TENNIS. Finally i am also almost a black belt in karate!!
ok this quiz needs some adjustments cuz u dont even have the sport im best at (tennis) but if i did actually play some of those sports it would have been a great quiz
popsyd91 -
I agree with popsyd9, but i got b-ball which is my second best sport. you should have tennis!
sorry i tried but can't
nice quiz dude!
jake091 -
i luv karate im near;y a black belt
tony x1 -
I luv soft ball/base ball :)
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