Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions) | Comments

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  • When I took the Pottermore quiz at the time of the site launch, I was told I was Slytherin. Now I'm 66% Slytherin and 76% Gryffindor. Funny how things change as we grow up. Great job with this quiz by the way.

  • Slytherin. Huh, I definitely saw that one coming. I got 20% of Gryffindor, even though both of my parents did the test and got sorted into Gryffindor. Lol.

    Not A Mean Slyth
  • Slytherin. I literally took the quiz saying to myself, "I already know I'm Slytherin."

  • I got ravenclaw but I always get gryffindor or slytherin in these quizzes. I felt like i wanted to answer two of the answers equally for some of them so I went back and changed some I couldn't choose between and got Gryffindor.

    • Wow, the beginning. Not as catch as, 'The Dursleys were pretty ordinary' though is it. Mudblood suck my quill and come on my parchment chuffing nora

      JK Rowlingrealio
    • so true this is where it all be. Gan

  • En la pgina oficial sal como Ravenclaw y si soy inteligente pero no me veo en una casa as lo bueno es que con este test saque Hufflepuff que creo que queda ms conmigo, tambin hice otro test en otra pgina que me deca que era 64% Gryffindor y 64% Hufflepuff as que no est mal

  • [no urls]
    [no urls]
    [no urls]
    [no urls]

    These quizzes must be checked out oh yea and this is just a quick advertisement. But the quizzes are actually mostly unique unlike most quizzes tho so check them out!

  • Eu sempre soube q eu era de Grifinria l no fundo,mesmo que alguns testes da Internet tenham dito q eu era Lufa-Lufa;e por um tempo eu confesso q tive dvidas,mas esse teste com todas as perguntas do site oficial confirmou oq eu mais queria!(Fingi que era a primeira vez q fazia e fui completamente honesta).

    Eu tenho a maioria/todas as caractersticas de Grifinria,amo o emblema,as cores e a histria,combina totalmente comigo!Espero que vocs tambm tenham sido completamente honestos nas respostas e tenham ficado felizes com o resultado;e mesmo se vc tiver sido e no foi a casa q voc queria,tudo bem,ningum melhor do q vc mesmo pra saber de qual ,o site apenas pra confirmar cientificamente.

    81% Grifinria
    50% Corvinal
    45% Lufa-Lufa
    38% Sonserina
    Orgulho da minha casa<3

    (Obs:acho q a 4 vez q escrevo esse comentrio,pq n d pra editar e tinha ido erros de portugus kkk).

  • Yay I got Slytherin

  • 76% Hufflepuff 60% Slytherin 54% Ravenclaw and 48% Gryffindor. I'm not surprised about the Hufflepuff but I didn't expect Slytherin to come in 2nd place I always thought I was a gryffinpuff

  • I got 74% Hufflepuff here. On the original Pottermore quiz, wich I did twice, I once got Hufflepuff and then Ravenclaw. I`m also 70% Ravenclaw, so is it certain that I`m a Hufflepuff??

  • I got 93% slytherin, which isnt a surprise every test Ive taken including the pottermore one has given me slytherin. I also looked through a lot of these and not one slytherin has a higher percentage then 90.......

    • 92% for me :). There was also a huge drop between percentages. My others were all under 50%

  • I usually get either Ravenclaw or hufflepuff on any house tests I take. I took this one twice and the first time I took it I got hufflepuff and the second time I took it I got Ravenclaw

  • Yo obtuve 66% Gryffindor, 64% Ravenclaw, 62% Slytherin y 48% Hufflepuff.

    Bastante equilibrados mis resultados aunque lo cierto es que me sorprendi tener tan solo 48% Hufflepuff, ya que es mi casa favorita. Se que suena raro, pero lo cierto es que posen caractersticas que admiro mucho, como la lealtad , la humildad y el trabajar duro por aquello que quieren. Pienso que es una casa muy infravalorada, pero yo la amo, a pesar de ser mayormente gryffindor.

  • I have taken the official Pottermore quiz as well as this one multiple time and always gotten different answers. (although I never get Slytherin)

  • Excuze me, but salazar was a great wizard who would never slither in to your chamber of secrets. And slythrin is the house merlin was in so withtract your beard please young man. Can I get an amen for daddy draco?

    Godprick Gdoor
  • Ravenclaw obviously.
    The quiz was ok I guess.

    Also to whoever says Slytherin is bad: you find your real true friends there. Period

  • If i was in Slytherin i would kill myself

  • Like I told you from the beginning, I am always Gryffindor, if it's hybrid then I'll be Slytherdor, but still, Gryffindor is dominant

    89% Gryffindor
    52% Slytherin

    Nobuyuki Gryffin
  • I got 62% Slytherin and 62% Hufflepuff I'm confused.

    But it seems that I'm from Slytherin..

    (If someone is curious i got %60 in Ravenclaw and 54% Gryffindor)

  • ¡SLYTHERIN! 77%

    ¡Felicidades! Has sido clasificado en Slytherin, la casa de la ambicin, la determinacin y la astucia. Ests entre otros Slytherins como: Snape, Draco y MERLIN.


    No me imagin que mi casa favorita fuera la casa a la que pertenezco, por poco era Ravenclaw, supongo que la mayora ve a los Slytherins como narcisistas y envidiosos, que haran cualquier cosa por el triunfo, la verdad que yo opin que nosotros conocemos de lo que somos capaces, nuestro valor, buscamos reconocimiento pero tambin podemos ser nobles, Slytherin es ms que solo ambiciones como lo pintan los demas

  • 86% Slytherin 38% Hufflepaff 31% Ravenclaw 8% Gryffindor.

    Huh I guess I'm Slytherin then. I took original quiz 3 times and I've got 2 Slytherins and 1 Ravenclaw so I'm suprised about Hufflepaff haha.

  • I got 84% for both Slytherin and Ravenclaw. However when I took the original quiz I got hufflepuff. Very confused right now lol

  • My quiz results

    Pottermore Sorting Quiz (all possible questions)

    Result: HUFFLEPUFF! 86%

    Congratulations! You have been sorted into Hufflepuff, the house of loyalty, hard working, acceptance, and fairness. You are amongst other Hufflepuffs such as: Tonks and Cedric Diggory

    62% RAVENCLAW!
    26% SLYTHERIN!

  • I'm 80% Hufflepuff, 38% Ravenclaw, 23% Slytherin, and 19% Gryffindor!

    I didn't think I'd get that much Slytherin percentage, but honestly? It's accurate-

  • 84% Hufflepuff and 83% Ravenclaw! I didn't realize it was so close, I've always debated between these two so it's nice to finally have an answer. :D


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