How will I die? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How will I die?
Your Result: You will die while having sex.
Your last moments in this life will be enjoyable indeed...hopefully. Do not fear sex. Try not to become celibate as a way of escaping death. You cannot run from destiny.
xD thats kinda strange
My God 546456577, you are a freak of the mutant kind. I bet you're deeply religious too, right? Only the true right wingers can sustain that kind of pointless verbiage.
killa1 -
I think someone needs to take a chill pill, yeah? I mean, come on, it's a freaking quiz! Just because it says you're going to die one way doesn't nessecarily mean you're actually gonna die that way. It's impossible to tell how ones going to die (no offense meant, quizmaster).
Take a chill pill dude, and relax.
I'm going to die saving someone's life... I can't see a modern context in which this would fit, seeing as how I'm not involved in any armed forces.
Oh well :D
Boredom? I thought I would suffocate from laughing so hard!
I guess ill die in a nuclear holocaust. Wonder if that is something else 2020 is going to bring
no one:
absolutely not one person:
Me: dies having sex ;)bigboy693-
Your Result: You will die while having sex. 84%
Your last moments in this life will be enjoyable indeed...hopefully. Do not fear sex. Try not to become celibate as a way of escaping death. You cannot run from destiny.
oh okay then,, not at all what i thought. but okay...
I will die in a car accident! Yes I kind of believe this. I can't drive. I've merely grazed other cars, but I have a feeling I will definitely die in a car crash. Will I continue to drive? Yes! Life must go on... and end too.
I'm doing to die BY saving someones life like my friend well she didn't die but she saved her brother but she couldn't save her grandma.....
Are you kidding me who will dy of having sex !? I got I will dye saving someone else I like that one. When I go in the army I will save every person I can from dyeing. And you can't stop me! :-l
Death by bordem makes sense,eventually there won't be many good videogames, a giant EMP could hit wipping out all power. I thought I would die drowning.
Howdy, we've went to this website Shop the e-book specials at this point and i've got to say that we realize its pretty exeptional truly. it'll be nice to see additional in the future. ezinedirectory logo
I don't think I'll die of boredom when I'm talking to myself and making my own jokes.(I'm lonely and why am I talking to myself when I'm writing this?!)
For you out there you can die while having sex it has happened and been prove and 5 whatever the name just wants attention
BHart411 -
Me, of all people, die of boredom?!?Stress, STD, overdose, excessive partying... But boredom...?!?
Hard to believe... I'm bored at the moment, yeah, but that's what insomnia does!
Your Result: You will die while having sex.
Your last moments in this life will be enjoyable indeed...hopefully. Do not fear sex. Try not to become celibate as a way of escaping death. You cannot run from destiny.
kassie1 -
Your Result: You will die while having sex. 93%
Your last moments in this life will be enjoyable indeed...hopefully. Do not fear sex. Try not to become celibate as a way of escaping death. You cannot run from destiny.
74% You will die while saving someone's life.
70% You will die in a nuclear holocaust.
57% You will be murdered.
55% You will die in a car accident.
39% You will die from a terminal illness.
20% You will die in your sleep.
11% You will die of boredom.
I'm not complaining. LmaoPython1 -
your result: you will die of boredom. 89%
try not to take so many quizzes. and while this answer may seem like a joke, it most certainly is not. boredom is one of the most frequent causes of death. the body will simply stop functioning. try not to become an excercise junkie. one cannot escape destiny...
86% you will die while saving someone's life.
71% you will die in your sleep.
69% you will die in a car accident.
48% you will die in a nuclear holocaust.
48% you will die from a terminal illness.
36% you will die while having sex.
9% you will be murdered.remember, the future is maleable, not fixed. take comfort. we all die eventually. at least now, you sort of know what to look out for. but try not to forget, change happens quickly...death could be just seconds away...
Yes! I am always bored
It said that I will die in an accident which will most probably a plane crash.
I have a dream of becoming a commercial pilot.
I'm scared now. WTF
I answered all the question's with my fabulous (not) honesty. And I got 'you are to die of boredom'. . . Can't say I'm proud though. . . .
Yeeeeeeeeeah, I'm doing this test over again. . .
I got that I will die ny saving someone
Death by boredom? Why cant I have a cool one? In fact, Im now considering a really showy suicide just to have an interesting death
How the hell do you even die from boredom?
Detective, have you found the murder weapon?
There was no weapon, I believe he was killed via boredom
(Police officer yawns) What?
Hey..this is what I'll get:
Your Result: You will die while saving someone's life.
The noblest of all deaths. Your rewards will be great in the next life. You are most definitely a humanitarian. If not currently, you will be. To give one's life is a precious moment that will be remembered by friends and family for many decades.
You will die of boredom. 68%
You will die in your sleep. 57%
You will be murdered. 57%
You will die in a car accident. 46%
You will die in a nuclear holocaust. 32%
You will die from a terminal illness. 27%
You will die while having sex. 24%So this how I will die. YEP! This is how I will die.
usafesfj,hejs,hfj,hfueahsifkaeuijkgu. Mr. Gibby (My name isn't really Mr. Gibby)
I am really surprised. I got you will *die saving someone's life* Me no way. I barely help myself let alone other people.