Are you a nerd, greaser, prep or a jock? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you a nerd, greaser, prep or a jock?

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  • Are you a nerd, greaser, prep or a jock?
    Your Result: You are a prep

    You are a prep. Your mother and father are very rich, you are a good boxing fighter. You never say good things about poor people and you like aquaberry.

    ew no i hate prep im not rich poor ppl are awesome lol!

  • Are you a nerd, greaser, prep or a jock?
    Your Result: You are a jock 83%

    You are a jock. You are very sporty, you pick on little kids (eg. put thier head down toilets, push them in bins ect.). You are the strongest people and you cant get killed without a weapon.

    im not mean :/

  • yaaay!! assuming you did this quiz off bully and that was my favorite clique out of the whole game

  • i got nerd but i exersise a lot and i dont like school or anything soo the result kind of shocked me... LOL

    Too me

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