What car will you drive? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What car will you drive?

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  • This is the dumbest quiz ever, Everyone knows Ford is better than chevy.Havent you heard the saying?

    Ashes to ashes,
    dust to dust.
    If it wasn't for our Chevy's,
    our tools would rust.

  • Your Result: Chevy

    You will end up driveing a Chevy. They are the best I have had a lot of cars and they your mostly chevy's. They are the best cars ever. They are good cars the cars that they have come out with are really cool. so go by a chevy car like a camaro or a corvette, They can go really fast.


    Puppy xo1
  • You have many grammatical and spelling errors so it was hard to understand. :(

  • i hate u


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