Are You A Hypocrite? | Comments

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  • A friend of mine said that he was a hypocrite . I didn't think he was . But I knew somebody else who said he was. To me my friend was perfect and saying anything less wasn't being truth full . His hypocrisy was simply because he called himself a hypocrite when he wasn't ! I'm not a hypocrite but I know that's not true so I am ! So I am a hypocrite ! Which means I'm not ! LOL...

  • You are a hypocrite if you are not christian? The guy who made this quiz is definitely giving christianity a bad image,and also one of the many reasons i dont join christianity!

    • Well, to let you know. It's not all about people when you give your life to Christ. What mainly matters is your relationship with God. Don't believe

      everyone that says they're Christian. I don't count myself as Christian. Try not to listen to these judgemental people. Sometimes, I do get a bit

      judgemental, but I soon apologize. But it's their choice if they don't wanna forgive.

  • I'm pretty sure you don't know what a hypocrite means at this point.

  • Being into religion (christanity or anything else) make you some or some degree of hypocrite.

    What a self contradictory quiz.


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