How Cambridge Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Cambridge Are You?
Ok, no cheating! But here's what would get you the top answers...
-Age and gender have no effect whatsoever for this particular quiz.
-Being born somewhere in Cambridge gives you top marks. The further away you were born, the lower your mark. Apologies, I didn't know the Stella Maris even existed! Award yourself an extra 10% for this, as you've clearly got more history with the city than me!
-School/Sixt h form will give you the most marks, as that's generally more years than studying at a college here.
-Snowy Farr was a local character who used to collect money for charity in town. He would always be accompanied by an array of small creatures.
-Ther e isn't really a local Cambridge accent. It's standard RP. Although, it does tend to vary a little, depending on the area you live in. Points for both.
Minus points for any daft misconceptions.
-Auntie's is a tea shop. Or it was last time I looked.
-You'll get more points for being pro Mill Road on this one.
-Disco Kenny has several catch phrases, the most famous of which is, "World's gone mad mate". Quite a character!
-Pete rhouse is the oldest of the Cambridge colleges.
-Straw berry! Strawberry Fair is held on Midsummer Common every June. Not to be confused with the Midsummer Fair, which gave the common its name.
-The best thing to do is twist it and pull it out. If you hold on, you'll find yourself clinging to the pole while the boat drifts off without you...
-Hobson's choice is no choice.
-Cycling or avoiding the rush hour altogether is the only way to do it. Everything else takes too long, or is inordinately stressful.
-Ther e is a memorial to Princess Diana on Christ's Pieces. And probably a number of underage drinkers. Points for both. Some points awarded for the box answer, for having a sense of hu
Show Full CommentHobbs1 -
As a linguist who studied here, I can say that the Cambridge accent is not RP! If you want to call it something then SSBE would be more accurate: standard Southern British English. RP is how, for example, the Queen speaks, so that would be more like the "they're all pawsh" answer that was available. The people I know who have grown up here most definitely do not speak in an RP accent like the queen!
LIVE IN Australia have done for the last 30+ years thought i'd give it a go.Lived in Bateson rd,Charlton way and Jesus lane i'm miffed cos there was no statue of Lady Diana there was only Irish drunks on Christ Pieces.
roy1 -
I am Cantabrigian by birth and cannot believe I only got 77%. Probably because I was born in the Stella Maris which was before your time, I would imagine. (Not sure about the college either .. would have liked to see some answers)
Dumbo491 -
Actually, what you're referring to is known as "Heightened RP". Easily confused with Standard RP, aka Received Pronunciation which is your generic Southern English accent.
Hobbs1 -
Yeah, the memorial came way after the drunks. It's actually in the shape of a crown, not a statue.
Hobbs1 -
Only 70% Cambridge!? Where did I go wrong? I'd like to view the correct answers, but can't find 'em. How do I do this? World's gone mad, mate.
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