How Essex are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Essex are you?
You snobs need to chill out and realise that micky taking out of Essex stereotypes are just a joke the same as micky taking out of backwards Irish, northerners, six fingered people from Norwich, sheep lovers from Wales, inbred people from the west country etc. I could go on forever across the globe and it's ok because it is BANTER! DERR! You are all so obsessed making sure people know how intelligent you are coming across that you seem to of forgotten that truly intelligent people have a good sense of what is 'HUMOUR'! I mean relax, Jesus, how can you take yourselves so seriously! I am intelligent and am from south Essex and scored 78% and am proud because I can see the quiz is just a light hearted bit of fun and doesn't mean a thing. Doesn't take a psychologist to figure that out.
Nic11 -
As a genuine Essex person with family going back centuries including ancestors who owned Thames Barges I scored one per cent and found this quiz utterly vacuous and insulting, reinforcing negative stereotypes that make my old Essex blood boil. Quizzes for other counties were far from THIS pathetic, as if the wonderful history, culture and traditions of Essex started with pea-brained celebs in the 1990s.
GTQguy - it doesn't make you a "troll" for saying the truth. This quiz only has so many takes because there's an Essex craze in England and they posted it to their Facebook. Most quizzes aren't linked to Facebook, that's why it's unfair.
I am 100% proper Essex not all this clap trap that is SUPPOSED to be Essex. I was born and bred here and still live in Essex. Most people do not look or talk like the people in The Only Way is Essex it gives Essex people a bad named thinking we are all brain dead.
You idiot, you cheated and got this quiz to the front page by requesting the same and same page over and over again that is why your takes are increasing and GTQ is slow, you filthy low life there is no cash involved here
Kish1 -
I agree I think there's something funny going on here - how does the cornish quiz get 200 taken when it was like second on the new quizzes list and how does this one have 12k??
Everyone report this, I think they've cheated somehow...
This is mainly south essex based, sorry I didn't cover every part of the county! It was done as a joke for a select few mates and now 200k people have done it!
Embles1 -
I think there should be a new county created, Essex Proper and TOWIELAND... this quiz should be How TOWIELAND are you? Come on, do yourself and this wonderful county a favour and do a proper Essex quiz!
Ok.. So I have lived in essex all my life. I have never heard a person even say the word TOWIE. What's the matter with you b----es? Stop being silly, and put more things like essex heratige!! Crazy.
RUBBISH, Essex exists beyond Dagenham and Romford. I am Essex born and bred and proud of it
RUBBISH, Essex exists beyond Dagenham and Romford. I am Essex born and bred and proud of it
Hi Embles, never mind the trolls, congrats on such a popular quiz! Obviously a ton of people liked it!
GTQ Guy1 -
Wow you are trolls! This was a private quiz and it went viral! If you don't like it then don't do it!
Embles1 -
This quiz is London Essex, not true Essex. I've lived here most of my life, but came out as 0% Essex!
...How did this quiz get to the front page?
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