How old do you act? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How old do you act?
How old do you act?
Your Result: 11-15 88%You are mature at times but still have your moments. You love going out with your friends and family and you don't like being treated like a kid. You are starting to care about what people think of you.
Sounds bout right-
I'm twelve yet a lot of people think I'm fifteen.
Your Result: 11-15 92%
You are mature at times but still have your moments. You love going out with your friends and family and you don't like being treated like a kid. You are starting to care about what people think of you.
49%16+EXACT LY!!! I am 13 years old! Great quiz, I bet you could title it 'I can guess your age without using the age button' and you would get a lot more friendly comments! Good job, this quiz was awesome!!
11-15. still accurate! thought, I have always cared what people thought of me. three things I am most afraid of:
1. the world ending and I don't have time to accomplish everything on my bucket list, tell my family and friends what they truly mean to me, etc
2. spiders
3. failure and rejection. -
Eleven to fifteen years old,Im actually in my late teens but I will admit I do like lots of childish things still but can be quite mature to when needed to be done so. Cool quiz anyways mate.
Zimswife1 -
Your Result: 11-15 89%
You are mature at times but still have your moments. You love going out with your friends and family and you don't like being treated like a kid. You are starting to care about what people think of you.
72% for 16+
20% 7-10
Pretty accurate! -
You are mature at times but still have your moments. You love going out with your friends and family and you don't like being treated like a kid. You are starting to care about what people think of you.
11-15! accurate! I am 13!
This quiz was very accurate and really good for a first quiz(really, it is). 11-15; caption was spot-on
How old do you act?
Your Result: 11-15 79%You are mature at times but still have your moments. You love going out with your friends and family and you don't like being treated like a kid. You are starting to care about what people think of you.
53%16+wtf im 9 :(((((((((((((((((( ((((((((((((((((((( (((((((((((((((
its how old you ACT not how old you are
92% 11-15
Then 16+
Then 7-10Pretty accurate considering my age is 11-15 :D
it said I was 89% 16+ 52% 11-15 and 20% 7-10,
The funny thing is, I am 13, sooo Apparently I am mature for my age! :)
11-15 yrs
des4life1 -
11-15 right and it deacribes me well!
- 1