What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
I'm from Arizona so no way can I have an accent from northeast part of the country. Nice try be no good.
Funny...quiz put me at Inland north but I grew up a 5th generation Californian...nativ e to Northern California.
I think it is just because I actually pronounce my words.
mrb1 -
Lol, I am from Malaysia and learned and speak what I thought English. I have lived in Lenoir, NC for the past 29 years!!!
Judging by how I've talked I'm probably from Rhode Island... lol. But yu can believe: I have borned in Brazil nd I never did go to the USA...
Augusto1 -
Totally wrong. Result said Philadelphia. But I was born and raised in New Orleans.
I am a New Yorker living in Virginia. As soon as I open my mouth people say " are you from Ny?." This quiz is bogus.
I am a Jamaican woman of color. My accent is very Jamaican. The quiz could not be more wrong.
I came out inland North; I was born, raised, and have lived my whole life in the West, and that is where I rated least. Strange.
Very good. I was born in southern Illinois but grew up in Chicago.
dully1 -
Totally wrong! I'm from Washington, DC, not Southern California! I've never even been to CA!
dcnative1 -
Spot on with my Boston accent! So surprising :-)
Festac771 -
Results say Philly not so. From New York specifically Brooklyn
Need I say more?????
Sharia81 -
I am Midland-Do not have an accent.
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I am Midland-Do not have an accent.
Hey guys, check out my new quizzes: Are you in love? and the BEST Do You Know Your Warriors Quiz?!!! Just go to the new quizzes page.
I am from the East end of Long Island not Pennsylvania
goody1 -
Missed it...I am from Colorado although I lived for many years In New Jersey?
dutch1 -
I'm not from anywhere in America,I am British, with a clear English "home counties" accent
joak1 -
Your chart say's I from Inland North. I'm from the Bronx New York. But in the olden days when I went to school we were taught diction.
mrsjkc1 -
Whoops. Accidentally put that twice. Sorry.
I must be a weirdo because I got Midland and I'm from the West. Maybe I just speak well compared to other people in the West. xD
Kunai1 -
Lol Boston. I'm from Ireland.
As a native New Yorker this quiz said 93% Inland North so they got it wrong. There second guess at 88% was right with Northeast.
net2wolf1 -
You said 100% Philadelphia and you are absolutely correct. Newark, Delaware - very near Philadelphia.
Northeast. I'm from Alabama!
Right on! You said a Boston accent and I certainly do. Born and bred Bostonian!