What sport are you made for? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What sport are you made for?

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  • Golf,I do like sports that are individual than teams and I also enjoy walking alot but I see myself way more as a swimmer than golfer due to my love for water and thrill but cool quiz anyways mate though.

  • Your Result: Football 70%

    You are either big and tough or short and FAST. You are able to take big hits and get back up and keep going. You can also handle large amounts of fans.

    66% Basketball
    46% Baseball
    0% Golf

    The only one I play is golf. (Unless the football is English )

  • Basketball?? I'm not tall, don't really have a good jump, and I'm a fencer, not a basketball player.

  • Lol GOLF?!? Not a chance in hell sry lol!!! XD


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