How Skinny Are You??? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Skinny Are You???
im5'6 and i weigh 93 pounds i'm a dancer so i lose weight constantly
bella031 -
I’m anorexic
I got chubby...and it says that im not athletic...i do gymnastics b----..
yoyo1231 -
Slender :0
Oh wel wow, i got TO SKINNY 20.3 wich is on the higher side of "good", just cous I have a ed doesn't mean I'm skinny lol
This quiz said I was chubby, but you can FEEL my ARM BONES if you touch my arm!!!
aww~ thank you! (it said im perfect)
@foodluver22. It said the same exact thing to me and peple say that all the time to me.
@alyysa menner that's really mean...
HateOnMe1 -
IT Said that I was 91% to fat but I’m only 297 lbs and 5’2 sooo.. no haha this quiz ain’t accurate at alll
Itsmee1 -
It said im skinny, but im not tbh. i dont like tv that much but that doesnt mean im exersizing 24/7??
goyuhy1 -
i got too skinny... i dont think im too skinny?