Are you emo or scene? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you emo or scene?
Your Result: Scene
You're a scene kid. You have wild, crazy hair, wear lots of make up, like techno music, and enjoy taking pictures and going on social networking sites. Niiiice.
iTease My Hair But Its Not Wild And Carzy....
iOnly Wear Eyeliner.....
iDo Like Techno Music....
iDont Take Alot Of Pictures....And iDont Really Like Social Networking Sites....
Emo figured
Zimswife1 -
Bfmb901 -
Neither ;) very true. nice quiz!
Emo. True.
:( You are so rude. I am a real Scene kid. Not some stupid Poser. Cuz Posers = Trolls and I am not a Troll.
*tear That hurt my feelings! I'm NOT a poser!!! -________-
fatii961 -
Scemo lol c: i like that ;p
rawrrx1 -
emo. yay =/
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