What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
"You have a Midland accent"
is just another way of saying "you don't have an accent." You probably are from the Midland (Pennsylvania, southern Ohio, southern Indiana, southern Illinois, and Missouri)
***right. im from Highspire Pennsylvania. amasing!!***
Well, this really was on target (although there wasn't a question that pinpointed the infamous "Rochester 'a'" I've been told I slide into!) Western NY, down by the P.A. border, raised by a mom from OH IO.
good_one1 -
Wrong! I got Inland North but I live in Boston. I just know the right answers, I know how those words are supposed to sound to an English-speaking person (and English is not my native language).
tina101 -
I'm from northern indiana, and I've always heard pop here. I'm in chicago pretty frequently (it only an hour away) and always heard pop there. I've heard mixes from michigan, but never heard soda in indiana or chicago...
Becky891 -
My mom is from Connecticut, so I don't say "pop" or most other midwest slang, but otherwise this hit the nail on the head. I grew up in Michigan and I live in Chicago now.
great quiz!
According to the quiz I have a midland north accent - indiana, illinois, missouri, etc. I was born and raised in the state of montana. I have been asked many times if I am from the south, I tell them "southern montana".
You can't judge an accent off of those words alone. It was a little off. I didn't really care for this. If you want an accurate answer, don't take this quiz. It doesn't work well.
Spot on! It said I had a Boston accent and that's where I'm from, but I didn't think they were going to get it right because they didn't ask any questions about R's.
Angleb041 -
Huh, I'm Southern, but I have a Midlands accent apparently... Oh, what the heck, I'm Southern, any non-Southern person could listen to me and tell that.
OMGosh! I've lived in San Diego, Chicago and now Atlanta and I STILL have my Philly accent! I lived all my childhood there and people can never place when I'm from. COOL!
I'm from NC and it said I'm from the south...most of the time people think I'm from GA. There's different southern accents ya know. Does anyone beside southerners know that I wonder.
camplady1 -
Wrong, wrong, and wrong (rhymes with Gong).
I sound more like Reba McIntire, and I'm a native of Middle Tennessee. Philadelphia, my foot.
Write another test.
welchgh1 -
Born in Hawaii but I've lived in Texas since I was 3. It makes since I dont have an accent. But dude, if I were ever to live in California or florida, I'd die! I love the hill country to much to live in a god danm city.
HAHA I got inland north, and I'm from Singapore. :o Ah well. I have no idea what someone from inland north america sounds like anyway, so... geez what was the point of taking this quiz?
echizzie1 -
Xavier Kun did well with the American Accent Quiz. I got "North Central" - the one where "...outsiders probably mistake you for a Canadian..."
Well, I AM a Canadian. I'm in Toronto.
Lem1 -
Result - the west. I'm actually Brazilian, but it's interesting to find out what accent influenced me the most when I was learning the language!
What, this not enough bing chilling to add to my social credit, now Xi Jinping will come and kill me by 3 days if I dont get my credit back by The 23rd of December.
gr8 quiz! but its nothing like I expected! its really good though and apparently I have a northen new jersey accent. im not American though. even though I don't have an aussie acent
DDcats2 -
My result was Midland, and they got it right! Can't believe it! Definetly a midwestern at heart. Ive got family from Kentucky, Tennessee, ohio, and Michigan. I mean, i'm about as midwestern as I'll get out
This is very accurate,I answered honestly and it said im from the west in which I live in los angeles California ill rate this five stars.
What the hell is wrong with all those chain mail people above??!Anyway,grea t quiz.But I didn't really understand the result (I got the West by the way)
I was born and raised in the Chicago area but at age 90 I have lived in Southern California since 1946. I have only spent one day in Minnesota.
spoego11 -
North Inland-BINGO! I think a lot of people just don't "git" the questions. Kinda like when they're stopped by the sheriff and told "put yer hands up"
cheyloo1 -
I am from England and do not have a regional accent but this quiz says that I sound like I'm from Philadelphia. Not true, I sound English.
Quiz said I was 87% Philadelphian. I have never been there. Was born, raised and lived in Louisiana and since have spent 40 years in Oklahoma. Go figure.