Common sense quiz | Comments

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  • you are stupid to think that you have any common sense trying to make sense to someone who's actually got common sense!It makes more sense to me that you have the same things in common with someone who doesn't have any common sense! Thumbs down about your stupid uncommon no nonsense quiz

  • common sense is common sense in other words

    in answering an question concerning what you should or would

    do in an emergencey situation even though you have no train-ing concerning the situation but someone in an authority

    position needs to or has to make a decision using common

    sense. Do you now understand common sense?

    nj 68 sr64
  • Very weak quiz. You have no common sense to write this. For one, knowing how many noses a slug has has nothing to do with common sence. Same with the zebra question and the speed question. Also, in the question with people living in the valley, you wrote that the women live "near" the valley which is not the same is "in" the valley. This is just what I can remember.

    So you, fail at common sense. miserably. go kill yourself

  • You are scoring number 9 incorrectly. You have an extra a in your sentence, so it is not a palindrome.

  • You need to edit some of your questions. Have someone with common sense help you. :)

  • great quiz!


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