Which South Park character are you? | Comments

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  • Which South Park character are you?
    Your Result: Kenny 82%

    You got Kenny! You know, Kenny, the little orange guy who wears a hoodie and always dies at the end of every episode? Yes, that Kenny! Although you're dirt poor, you're the most experienced of all the group. You're loyal to those who are loyal to you. You hate Cartman and find him offensive and selfish. You're by far the toughest, I mean who else has experienced death over 50 times? Only Kenny has! You're a great friend and a pretty good person, and the best PSP player the world has ever seen. So live life and enjoy it - who knows how long you'll live today!

    Noel Reiners
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  • Which South Park character are you?
    Your Result: Stan 40%

    result You got Stan!! You are someone who is well liked by everyone. You are very tactful in dealing with situations, and are the most mature out of the group. Although sometimes you get jealous, you normally want what's best for people and do what's right. You learn something everyday, which allows you to grow and become more mature. You have a special ability that none of the other characters have, and that is to do what's right. You value friends more than anything and aren't afraid to speak the truth. So get out there and be the best you can be!!! :D

    Cartman 0%
    Kyle 0%
    Kenny 0%
    Butter s

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  • Yay I got Kenny

    You got Kenny! You know, Kenny, the little orange guy who wears a hoodie and always dies at the end of every episode? Yes, that Kenny! Although you're dirt poor, you're the most experienced of all the group. You're loyal to those who are loyal to you. You hate Cartman and find him offensive and selfish. You're by far the toughest, I mean who else has experienced death over 50 times? Only Kenny has! You're a great friend and a pretty good person, and the best PSP player the world has ever seen. So live life and enjoy it - who knows how long you'll live today!

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  • Your Result: Stan

    You got Stan!! You are someone who is well liked by everyone. You are very tactful in dealing with situations, and are the most mature out of the group. Although sometimes you get jealous, you normally want what's best for people and do what's right. You learn something everyday, which allows you to grow and become more mature. You have a special ability that none of the other characters have, and that is to do what's right. You value friends more than anything and aren't afraid to speak the truth. So get out there and be the best you can be!!! :D

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  • Butters

    resultOh hamburgers, you got Butters!! Who's the kid with a heart full of magic? He's Butters!! Yes, indeed you are a lot like little Butters. You may be the youngest of the gang, but you are the funniest and sweetest! You don't let reality get in the way of your imagination, you're not afraid of just being a kid! Although, you are afraid of a lot of other things. Your parents are way too hard on you sometimes, but you're such a good kid you just take it with a smile! You have learned to love life the way it is - which is a thing a lot of people value. So get out there and be a kid!!! :D

    Awesome quiz!!! I love Butters. :) I like Stan best though.

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  • Butters

    resultOh hamburgers, you got Butters!! Who's the kid with a heart full of magic? He's Butters!! Yes, indeed you are a lot like little Butters. You may be the youngest of the gang, but you are the funniest and sweetest! You don't let reality get in the way of your imagination, you're not afraid of just being a kid! Although, you are afraid of a lot of other things. Your parents are way too hard on you sometimes, but you're such a good kid you just take it with a smile! You have learned to love life the way it is - which is a thing a lot of people value. So get out there and be a kid!!! :D

    Awesome quiz!!! I love Butters. :) I like Stan best though.

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  • Sweet dude I got Butters

    Oh hamburgers, you got Butters!! Who's the kid with a heart full of magic? He's Butters!! Yes, indeed you are a lot like little Butters. You may be the youngest of the gang, but you are the funniest and sweetest! You don't let reality get in the way of your imagination, you're not afraid of just being a kid! Although, you are afraid of a lot of other things. Your parents are way too hard on you sometimes, but you're such a good kid you just take it with a smile! You have learned to love life the way it is - which is a thing a lot of people value. So get out there and be a kid!!! :D

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  • Sweet dude I got Butters

    Oh hamburgers, you got Butters!! Who's the kid with a heart full of magic? He's Butters!! Yes, indeed you are a lot like little Butters. You may be the youngest of the gang, but you are the funniest and sweetest! You don't let reality get in the way of your imagination, you're not afraid of just being a kid! Although, you are afraid of a lot of other things. Your parents are way too hard on you sometimes, but you're such a good kid you just take it with a smile! You have learned to love life the way it is - which is a thing a lot of people value. So get out there and be a kid!!! :D

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  • Kyle,he is a good character but I think I'm more so stan sense I can be funny but also serious when needed to be but I don't let others walk on me either just like Kyle. Cool quiz anyways mate.

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  • Kyle ;D I was expecting Stan, though XD

    My favorite South Park character is Randy by far, though.

    10/10 I enjoyed this quiz a lot.

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  • Kyle. (; Yay! ;D And I'm almost like him. I get good grades, and I can be a goodie goodie (most of the time). But I'm not Jewish. THAT'S THE ONLY THING I DON'T HAVE IN COMMON WITH HIM, AND I DON'T HAVE RED HAIR... ah what the hell. Good quiz! (:

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  • anyways
    I totally didn't get cartman
    I swear I'm not like him

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  • HeY... Kyle?
    Well thats a suprise... Kool Tho!
    Nice quizzzz!

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