What American accent do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What American accent do you have?
Canadians call it 'pop', not 'soda'.
shokan1 -
Totally WRONG! Northeast--no way, CA all my life! Just happen to be a speech pathologist.
Lpup1 -
I got "Midland West" or something, which is exactly where im from, southern ohio.. aint it a odd bird that coulda guessed that since i have a southerner twang
The quiz said my accent is as Philly as the cheesesteak. Right on!
cybil661 -
Wow, this quiz is accurate! I knew that I have a Boston accent, and I took this quiz to see if it would get it right and it did! Wow!
shimmer1 -
Lol Iland North, i'm not even from america :P
i should have an western accent i thought, but that's score is the lowest..
Kakashi1 -
i guess i took the test wrong! I was raised and born in queens and it says im from midland!!!! wow....i must have some diffrent accent then my relatives!!!! Lol!
Midland! I'm from West Texas,born and raised!
ya know..i think this thing is lyin, cuz i have a southern accent and the results were midland...which is weird..because i know alot of people in the midwest and they are two completely different accents...
rebel1 -
LOL, thats so acurate Im not american and the quiz says most people would probably mistaken you for a canadian which is what I am !!
Faerie1 -
It said I had a north cantral accent and that I probably sound canadian...I was born and raised in California and Arizona...
anyone who says 'midland accent' or the 'nondescript accent' is probably from Southern Indiana has probably never been to Southern Indiana.
physix1 -
lol sooo funny, it said I have a "midland" accent. Very funny since I'm from the DEEP south. ATL baby!
well, im not from any part of united states because im from asia but im well oriented with american accent which is why i seem to sound like them. you should hear me talk! :)
Does upstate New York Count as Inland North?
Ken1 -
Got it right, certainly. I am a Boston gal ;)
Sarry7771 -
Wtf Midwest? o_O I have the heaviest Brooklyn accent out of anyone I know (who was born after 1960).
It would have been cool to have a accent, but I am happy I can say things clearly.
Plus, this quiz is pretty accurate scaldisnoel
This is VARY incorrect. I have the most American accent and you think I sound like a Canadian??? NEWSFLASH: I dont
2Charly21 -
Don't know if I live in South Jersey or North Jersey though..
I am born and raised in TX!This quiz is saying that I have a 'Northern Accent'!
Duders1 -
I got midland accent. It said I was from southern Illinois, but I’m northern Illinois....
Im from North Texas, I only have an accent when im upset or excited, or realllly pissed off
Oh yeah!! I got the Inland North accent!! And I live in Michigan!!
Are you all effing idiots?