Can you trust who you are talking to on the internet? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Can you trust who you are talking to on the internet?
This person is 0% suspicious.
Well, it seems that this person is safe to talk to online. Though, you should know and remember to never give this person personal information, such as your last name, address, or anything like that. You should never give that information to online users that you do not know. Though, it seems that you are safe talking to this person, from the skill of this quiz.
YAY!!!! i feel safer this quiz
pkiera751 -
Hello. I am the creator of this quiz, as you may know. Almost everyone has met a creep on the internet, and this quiz was to really see if the person you are talking to is a creep. I am glad your score was nice and low like that.
I got 2% LoL, good I can feel more trustworthy now.
Although I've met some creeps before...
Got 42 percent
Shaf1 -
39%, I was mainly referring to one person on here though, LoL :D Good quiz
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