What mental disorder do you have? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What mental disorder do you have?
Please don't ready this you will get kissed on the nearest Friday by the love of your life however if you don't post this to at least 3 other quizzes you will die between 2 days.now uv started reading so done stop this is so scary.Send this to over 5 quizzes in the next 143 minutes. When your done press F6 and your crushes name will appear on the screen in big letters.This is so scary cuz it actually works!
i dont know if i have a disorder, but there is something called hemophillia, which is something like, if i have a scab or somethin', it would take longer to heal. so i do kind of, and im freaking paranoid, woopdedoo
GAD so true Im on meds for it right now but theres so much else wrong with me lol... It should have given me all the other one too
Manic depressive..holy s--- I knew it!
manders1 -
Haha, I do have ADD. Very accurate quiz
Hmm.. actually, pretty good.ADD. Explains why I suck at math even though I try hard... hmm. Good quiz :)
kinda funny, my test said i have ADD ( you know,
when you have trouble foucusing and daydream
alot at school and stuff.) and i acualy do have it!
i only have it mildly, but i do have it. smart quiz.
10 stars for this quiz!
Rowanh991 -
Yeah oops. You're name is Hannah. Didn't catch that, sorry. (: But hey! We have the same name!!
This quiz is accurate, I took it knowing I have ADD, and that was my result :3
Manic Depression. I don't get highs and lows easily. My emotion is quite stabil though.
bem1 -
awesome! it says i have ADD (attention deficit disorder) and everyone says that to me too! i like cheese. what?
Please look up and read this quiz called: Stop the stupid chain letter!!!
NO i do NOT have ADD. my stepdad thinks i do but i dont! he even set up a doctors appointment to gget me checked out!all becausse i was ignoring for the day because he waas bothering me-_-
a.d.d again. it's not exactly acurate, 'cause the only times i ever zone out is when i'm reading. well, sometimes i do zone out, but not a lot. does that mean i might have a.d.d?
Ansa891 -
GAD (Generalized Anxiety Disorder) i got this! O_o
I got paranoia...Isn't everyone paranoid?
Ginge1 -
I got Paranoia =P
aggy901 -
Take my quiz at
http://www.goto quiz.com/what_wild_ animal_are_you
I have not missed one yet!!!!!!!
And leave a commentleslie1 -
If all of this is true, I'm genuinely surprised that I have been able to hold down a job. THE BIGGEST LOAD
I got OCD...I suppose that would explain some things -- Oh look! A basketball!
this quiz was so cool i luv whoever made this! okay so this thing said i was ADD and manic/ depressed- which means bipolar right? well fyi no i am not bipolar OR add and this is the 2nd quiz that told me i was! i hate u mr. quiz-maker!!!! die u stupid lil- oooh hey a squirrel. pretty squirrel. i love u lil squirell. no dont bite me! stupid squirell i hate u!!!!!!!!!!
I have ADD. That is so weird because my mom is a Special Ed
Im Bipolar an it didn't say i had that....
LOL I really dont blame that qiuz for saying I have A.D.D. It hink its true to be honest I better go make an appointment with my doctor
i've got paranoia. I can't help it.