How will I die? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How will I die?
god dam*it! I'm gonna die while having sex!
89Egypt1 -
thanks for telling this
prena1 -
mi friend is gonna die of illness haha
jdblover1 -
How will I die?
Your Result: You will die while having sex.
UMMM this is kinda CREEPY!! -
This is offensive my dad died in a car accident! and thats what i got, thanx alot, 'm now never riding in a car again!
nuclear holacost eh? how disapointing... i would rather be shot in THE holacost than die in a NUCLEAR holacost. guss i only have 2 more years till` i die. 2012 will probibly be the year i camit suaside... dead at 14, how disapointing...-_-
Liz4561 -
i am scared it said i will die while i am saving someone
i am scared it said i will die while i am saving someone
hell no I'm dont believe this s--- I will notm die in a car accident I hope some day you'll realize you cant tell the future buddy!!!!!!!!!!!!
im gonna die saving someones life. sweet
well im gonna die in my sleep thats good, every time i go to sleep i hope i wont wake up, just hope its sooner rather than later
mydolly1 -
i will die of boredom,haha
hale44561 -
Im gonna die while having sex? wtf
'You will die while trying to save someone's life.' ...Wow... Never thought...
Talfreo1 -
I am not dieing by a car what ever you get my point then again you may sucks to be me
I'll die in a car accident. This is just wierd. I want to get my permit. What will I do? I always feared of dying in a car! *glup*
WOW! i'm going to die while having sex!
Ummm??.... now i no how im going to die i wanna know Where and when!!!!! lolza
Awesome quiz tho!
ashza091 -
Im gonna get killed by some on
dude not cool not cool =( -
die of boredom! im already dead then ;}
When I will die
Manav1 -
Die saving someone's life..of course, I'm nice...dang it.
Die in sleep
people who fall asleep aroun 9:50 need to drink more coffee and all the capricorns out there will soon be rich
and all the left handers will go extinct
yoyoyoie1 -
i did the test over with random answers and it said i will die from nuclear bomb, them i changed 1, just 1 answer and it change to dying while having sex. wtf?