Grown up punishment selector

This test is designed for those who know they need a consequence. It determines the severity of that consequence, ranging from writing lines, to a severe spanking. This is intended for adults only! Take the questions seriously and apply the corrections promptly.

Adults only!!! Always remember the importance of making amends, hard work, and learning from your mistakes. You do not want to come back to this quiz with repeated poor choices!

Created by: DJ
  1. Are you over 18
  2. What did you do?
  3. Did you lie about your mistake?
  4. Did you curse (swear) as the primary or secondary infraction?
  5. If you swore, have you received discipline for swearing before?
  6. Is this the first time you’ve made this mistake?
  7. How many times have you been punished for this (or similar infractions) in the past year?
  8. Have you made amends for your actions?
  9. Would you consider your actions serious? Would others?
  10. Have you lied or given misleading answers on this test?
  11. Are you taking this test because you swore.
  12. Are you taking this test because you’ve sworn a lot or on multiple occasions?
  13. Do you usually stay out of trouble, because you do the right thing?
  14. Does this punishment need to be memorable?
  15. Have you been spanked before?
  16. What did you do again?
  17. Did you endanger others?
  18. Did you endanger yourself?
  19. Have you lied on any of the question on this test?

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