Growing Up Black in the 60s and 70s

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Is it time for you to get your "I Am Black Card" renewed? If it is, you need to take this quiz because it will help you with many of the questions on the "I Am Black" card application.

The questions listed below is just a small sample of some of the questions you may find on the "I Am Black" card registration/renewal application. Good luck and I hope you get your card.

Created by: Sean of 100 Tips to use
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  1. What is a phrase heard in a black household when you talk too loud to your mama?
  2. When a child start crying what is normally said in your household?
  3. When shopping with mama what instructions are you given before entering the store?
  4. What are you told when you make faces?
  5. If you talk back to your parents what is a common phrase heard in your household?
  6. What's in the two cans of used cooking grease on the stove at your house when you were growing up?
  7. How many things do your mama know when she says "I know _____ thing you bet not make me come back there?
  8. What is an appropriate response to something you don't like?
  9. What did you put on your legs when you ran out of lotion?
  10. What were the two main desserts in your house growing up?
  11. What is meant by the phrase "No Home Training"?
  12. What item listed below was not use to punish a children in your home?
  13. What TV Show did James Evans die in and we all cried?
  14. You made peanut butter and jelly sandwich use what kind of jelly?
  15. What was considered a weekend getaway?
  16. You see people running and looking scared. What do you do?
  17. What candy was not popular in your neighborhood growing up?
  18. What show was not a black comedy?
  19. If at a cookout, what's the most important question you can ask?
  20. If You Go To A Buffet With Your Mom, How Old Do You Tell Them You Are?

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