Grey's Anatomy Super Random Trivia

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If you feel like you're a hardcore Grey's Anatomy fan then I challenge you to take this quiz! It has several random questions that will test your knowledge and show just how well you have paid attention.

They really are very random trivia questions for the purpose of weeding out who watches the show casually and who watches it obsessively. I don't give many hints so you will be forced to use your own memory to answer them.

Created by: #b------#
  1. What never stops turning according to Ellis Grey (and Meredith)?
  2. What nickname did new interns give Miranda Bailey?
  3. Who takes over cooking Thanksgiving dinner in one of the early seasons?
  4. What does Callie like to do to feel free and relieve stress?
  5. Where did Izzie Stevens grow up?
  6. Who does Christina Yang continue to randomly have nightmares about years after the plane crash?
  7. What did one of Alex Karev's ex girlfriends do on Meredith's couch?
  8. What does Owen Hunt do to Christina Yang while she was asleep when they first started dating?
  9. What does Lizzie (one of Derek's sisters played by Neve Campbell) call herself?
  10. What does Mark Sloan call his pairing with Jackson Avery in plastic surgery?

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