Grammar And Memory

Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test

Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test Grammar test Memory test

Created by: Vadik
  1. Try to memorize 2 given words: none never
  2. Wich out word is a negative to the 1st word you were trying to memorize?
  3. Which sentance has en error?
  4. Which sentance has an error?
  5. Which word is "indirect object" in this sentance?
  6. Read: Unkle Frank cooked himself a big breakfast Answer the question you are suppose to remember
  7. remember given sentance: I know a child, and his parents pay him to eat.
  8. Memorise one more given sentance: I know a child whose parents pay him to eat.
  9. Out off 2 sentances one was compaund and one was complex. Which was compound?
  10. The adjective form of the verb WIN is:
  11. Memorize question: In the next question find adverb.
  12. Betty drove the car frequently. The ansver is:
  13. The same question. I did my homework early last night. The answer is:
  14. Which word is in SIMPLE PAST FORM?

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